Chapter six

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Little Love Letters


Chapter six

I'm sitting in the Principle's office. How?

Well let me tell you from the beginning.

I tried chasing after that 'shadow' who put the balloons on my locker. It was a hopeless case which I lost.

People just thought I was crazy and running after the wind in the hallways.

I was thirty minutes late for class.

To top it all off, I got called to a stupid tea party.

"Cookie?" The Principle asked holding a plate of choc chips in front of her.

I shook my head, but Zac on the other hand dug in.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention, Zac is here with me.

"Now, let's get to the point, shall we?" She said paging through the pages of our records.

"For punishment, you two are to clean the cafeteria today. After that food fight Zac started, I think it seems fair." She looks at Zac, narrowing her eyes.

Zac on the other hand, was having a ball. First of all, he started a food fight, how fun.

Second, he had community service with me. He knew exactly how I avoid him.

"Zac, this will definitely not look well on your records. I doubt any college would accept such a trouble maker.

You and your posse even pulled down the teachers skirts the other day.

How childish," at her saying that, I burst out in laughter.

Zac looks at me with a smile, a cheeky smile. He obviously enjoys doing what he does, I can see that.

"Well chop chop now. You have work to do." The Principle shoves us out of her office handing us a bucket with water and sponges. Great.

I sigh while following Zac to the messy room. I wasn't part of the food fight, as a matter of fact I was squeezing my bladder in the bathroom.

"You just can't stay away from trouble, can you?" I bow my head not wanting to look inside of his eyes.

I see him stopping in his tracks and turning to face me.

"It's been a year, and the second thing you say to me since then is..that?" he asks and I look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What would you want me to say? sorry?" I ask and he has a guilt expression on his face. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"You know you couldn't stop or prevent what happened. It was my fault." he says while coming my way.

School was over so the halls were abandoned. We reach the cafeteria door and he opens it for me.

"Why was it your fault?" I ask, curious to what he has to say.

He stutters a few times, thinking about a answer.

"I- I should've used.. protection," he says. I could feel the anger boiling inside of me.

"So you think that is the reason we broke up!? HUH?" I walk up to him already scrubbing the floor and stood over him.

"Yes. If we never did that after prom we would still be together, you know?" he says and I slap him across the face.

A sudden tear slips from my eye.

I've wanted to do that for a while now.

"You LEFT me when I needed you most! If you were there, I would've still loved you! But no... you'd rather be with your OTHER girl and cheat on me! YOU BASTARD!" I yell at him.

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