Chapter twenty-one

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Little Love Letters


Chapter twenty-one

My eyes slowly fluttered open after I shut them as fast as I could.

I shook my head, trying to make complete sense out of the situation.

"Elle, take a deep breath in," Ally steadied me by gripping my wrists. "You are strong and I know you can do this,"

I nod at her frantically. I have always had a fear for hospitals.

My father spent a lot of time here. He wasn't even a doctor, which was the sad part.

Before I knew it, Ally was ready to grab the handle of the same door I've stood in front off so many times.

I never put too much thought in this situation, which is getting to me now. What do I tell Conner about all the things I did behind his back? Well, his asleep back.

I cheated on him.

I know we weren't really a thing, but if your heart is given to someone, you stay loyal to that person.

But how come I feel my heart is with Zac. Even now after we fought, I feel a panning in my chest. It hardly feels like I can breathe, and I want to be strong. I force myself not to cry, as hard as it is.

Zac turned on me. Now everybody knows.

Yet I can't let him go.

He is like a medicine I'm addicted to and it's so wrong. He takes the pain away, yet he causes it.

Maybe I should let him go.

At least give him a chance to explain before you make conclusions.

I regain from my subconscious, and before I know it, I see a hospital bed.

Gathered around it, is Conner's mother and sister. The doctor is standing beside him, holding his hand.

In the bed lies Conner. Eye open. Hands moving. Skin glowing.

Ally gasps beside me and a small smile pries on her lips as she pushes me towards them.

"Do you know your name?" The doctor asks. Conner slightly pushes his hand.

I hear a couple of sighs throughout the room. "Do you know where you are?" The doctor continues. I see fear sparkle through his eyes as he squeezes the doctor's hand twice. I presume that means no.

"Mrs.Williams, that is normal." The doctor looks at his mom and her shocked expression before he carries on.

"Do you know this lady here?" He points to Mrs. Williams and I stand next to his sister, closest to the bed stand and the hospital wall.

He squeezes the old man's hand and Mrs. Williams claps her hands. She shrieks and kisses him on the cheek.

"And her?"

Yet again, he squeezes the doctor's hand as he points to his sister.

Lastly, the doctor peeks to me and continues," Do you know her?"

His long finger stretches out to point at me.

Conner's eyes dart towards me and for a second, I saw it. I saw the love in his eyes that he always held for me. They sparkled with a emotion I craved. Love.

As I kept smiling, I saw his eyes darken. He seemed to turn cold, and the emotion it used to have disappeared.

I watched in anticipation as he squeezed the doctor's hand.

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