Chapter one

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Little Love Postcards


Chapter one

I gently pull the ring out of the box, sliding it onto my finger.

It felt as if the ring burned like hot gold around it. In the shallow depths of my stomach, I could feel the nausea coming on.

I never envisioned the sight to be so perfect.

A part of me was missing and longing for him. I keep regretting saying no. Always thinking that I was such a fool.

But, how would I have coped without him? We could've tried at least, but I'm not so strong.

I close my eyes and picture his face when I said no. It looked like I broke him into pieces.

I shake my head and slide the ring box into my the envelope after placing the ring inside.

I opened the front door to our apartment, shutting it with one foot as my hands were full of mail.

"Listen. We have to go in a hour, otherwise we'll be late." Ally said as she went through the envelopes I placed on the kitchen counter.

"I don't even know what I should wear."

With that sentence said, an amused smile appeared on her lips. "Good. For once I can get you out of your baggy jeans and checkered shirts. Not to mention those ankle boots. I swear if you let me I'd be able to get all the collage boys in your bed. Even seniors."

I looked at her serious expression and laughed."That's not going to happen tonight. Maybe to you, but we leave tomorrow morning."

I looked at Ally more in detail. She was wearing a long, white lace dress. It looked like she was wearing a shiny material. Like silk. Around her head was a lace hair band, making her look like some sort of angel.

"You're wearing that to a club?" I asked as she went inside her closet. "Yes. It's not like ordinary clubs."

She came out of her closet with black material and two above the knee boots.


She placed it into my hands giving me a leather jacket on top. "Ally. No."

She shook her head and pushed me into the bathroom. "Go!"

After I wriggled into a shirt of a tight dress, I walked out of the bathroom wanting to protest with Ally. "I can't wear this!"

She looked at me amused." It suits you."

I pulled the dress down and stood in front of the mirror. I slid my feet into the high heel black boots and pulled the jacket over my shoulders. "You see, beautiful." Ally combed my chestnut hair and let it fall over my shoulders.

"I look like a hooker." I said as we walked out of the apartment in the bristly air. "Be careful," she said. "Those are my clothes."

Luke stood just a few meters down the pathway. He looked me up and down with a shocked expression. "Elle..uh.." he said.

Luke didn't look so bad himself with his skinny jeans and brunette hair. It was in a classy hairstyle which was short at the sides and longer at the top of his head.

I smiled at him and he lead us to the GUESS store. My heals(more like Ally's) were making a clicking sound on the pavement.

"See. Look at Luke's expression. You look hot." Ally had a twinkle in her eyes.

"No. He is my friend. I will not pull him to bed the way you do."

As we round the corner on the busy street, I could already see the shop. It looked dead silent. No lights were on. There wasn't any music playing. "Are you sure I got the riddle right?" I asked her. She nodded frantically. "It's in the storeroom round the back."

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