Chapter three

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Little Love Postcards


Chapter three

I waited patiently as people passed by. The familiar sent of briskly air entered my nostrils. I must say that I already feel at home. A slight fire has ignited inside of me.

So much happened here. My whole childhood took place in this city. Every memory in my mind happened within a few mile radius.

"She said she was close," I huff in annoyance as my mom called me half an hour ago, saying she was around the bend of the road.

The airport was too busy for my liking. I didn't appreciate the way people looked at me for the bruises on my arms. My lips are also red and swollen to top the Me-Are-Zombie look.

Ally sat down on her suitcase miserably. A long sigh escaped her lips as she combed through her locks, a habit I noticed when she was annoyed or nervous. "I hate to admit, but your mom is never on time. She always used to bring you late, wether it was for my Barney party or the school dance."

I swat her on the arm, realizing that she had a point. My mother would never be able to start the car, or the car would have a breakdown, or she would put on the wrong lipstick.

I glanced over at Luke. Despite everything he was smiling, with a glint of amusement in his eyes. I took in every single detail of him. His long lashes, full lips, stubbly beard growing on his jaw, it all fazed me. I can't believe I haven't ever realized how good looking he is.

I noticed he was still smiling brightly. I blinked out of my trance: as he was doing the action because of me. Because he caught me looking at him in that way. My cheeks flamed as I looked away shyly.

Sometimes my mom had inappropriate timing, but now I couldn't thank her enough for pulling over next to the two miserable corpses. Except the one idiot who was smirking in amusement.

I immediately saw her familiar chestnut hair dancing in the wind. Her petite body came over to me faster than I could take in. I was still drowsy and weak, but the fire inside of me burst into flames. I stood up and embraced her. It definitely felt like home. "I missed you so much darling!" I tried not to cry as she pulled away and took in my bruised skin.

"Oh my, look at you." My mother's voice had a tinge of sadness. Seeing a daughter again after a year in one of her worst stadiums is awful.

I couldn't find myself to speak. The medication I took also seemed to slow down my mind.

"Mother, I am so sorry. I don't even remember what hap-"

"No, no. We'll figure it out honey. Let's just move along for now. We are blocking the traffic anyways." She caught me off with a silly smile.

After Luke introduced himself, my mom winked at me. I rolled my eyes after we loaded the car with our bags. I knew my mind would be clouded with thoughts as we headed to home. My only home.

I felt like roaming my bedroom and falling asleep in the bed I grew up in. Or sitting on the roof, drinking hot coco with Zac. I felt like cleaning the cafeteria after a school food fight. I wanted to dig a hole in Walmart. Or even kiss in an elevator. Most of it involved Zac. His charisma never rubbed off on me, but I found it extremely hot at the moment.

Before I could stop myself, the wrong words left my mouth. Ally looked at me skeptically. "Mom?"

She turned her head to look at me, "Yes Elle?"

I just couldn't stop myself. "How is Zac doing?"

I saw my mom stiffen. She looked at the road once more. I couldn't comprehend what she was thinking. "Well,"

I waited a few moments before she spoke again. I knew what awaited. It was obviously something horrible. "After you moved, he would knock on the front door for ages until I opened it. The sight was indescribable Elle. His eyes were yellow from crying. He didn't shave. I don't even think he changed into different clothes."

I gasped and tried not to let the tears that built up out. I did that to him. He gave his full heart to me. Something I've always wanted and expected from him. "When he found out you were already gone he broke down."

I buried my face to hide the tears. A comforting hand embraced my shoulder. It was rather big so it could only be Luke. He rubbed up and down my back to calm my sobs. "He currently runs his father's business. He is away most of the time, though." I heard my mom's voice speaking gently.

When I looked up, I noticed the car wasn't moving anymore. We were parked in a street I used to see everyday. Without thinking I opened the car door and ran. My mom tried to stop me by yelling my name when she realized I wasn't running to our front door.

I made my way around the bend as fast as I could. The white house peaked at me and I knew I was indeed almost there.

When the door came into sight, my feet made their way to it. It felt so natural, like I ran to him everyday. I knocked loudly and eagerly as I reached the front door. There was no answer.

My eyes widened at what I had just done. I didn't even know what to say. I rehearsed it a few times, but at the moment my mind was blank.

When I was about to knock again, the door was opened in a swift movement. The sight wasn't what I was expecting at all. I imagined seeing those baby blues and the blonde hairstyle I had grown to love. But instead I had to look down to a little girl.

"Dadda not home." She said. Dadda?

She had blonde hair in little curls. And blue eyes too.

I covered my mouth and bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from collapsing in front of her. I did indeed feel a hand supporting my back as I turned around.

Someone rather embraced me and kissed my forehead. I gave in completely. "It's okay," Luke whispered and I heard a door shut, presumably the little girl who had gotten uncomfortable.

So he did send me the ring to tell me he moved on. He sent it to make peace with himself. He wanted to propose to somebody else. Another woman who probably said yes and didn't reject him on the spot. He probably didn't want any reminder of me. He had a beautiful little girl.

One he didn't want to have with me.

Little Love Lettersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें