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Ladies and gentleman, I give to you Austin Butler as Zac.

Almost 30K reads. Thank you. I wouldn't have it any other way.

This chapter is short, I apologize.


I kept shifting over in my bed. The sun peaked through the curtains, and it irritated the living out of me. Every single time I moved my head on my pillow, the sun followed me.

I was restricted to move. Somebody laid behind me, and I knew that it wouldn't last. I just needed to hold on to the little bit of happiness left. And that was Zac.

Last night I dreamt about Luke, the alley, and the club. The images were so vivid that I jumped up in my sleep. Zac woke me and helped me sleep with his soothing voice. It helped a little bit.

I turned around in the bed and found his dreamy face engulfed by a pillow. His hair was swept messily across his forehead, and he had a few stubbles on his chin. The thing that caught my attention the most, was that he was shirtless.

Not the shirtless part, actually. He has a handsome body, I must admit, but on his arm there is a tattoo. He never told me he got one.

It's small, but not too small that the eye misses it. And it was a C. Just the plain letter.

My heart felt a tug. He must've gotten it a while ago.

I traced my finger over it, and his blue eyes slowly opened up. He kept staring at me, and every single movement I made.

"That's one way to wake up." He mumbled with a sleepy voice. I smiled, and his hand lifted to put the bangs behind my ear because the ponytail he made last night was very short. "I wanted to tell you, you look different." He said, stating the obvious.

"I wonder why." I chuckled. "The shorter hair suits you." He said and sat up straight. That's right, I hadn't seen him since Paris so he hasn't seen my haircut before.

"Speaking of changes, you got a tattoo."

He stiffened immediately," I didn't think you would notice." He admitted. "Why did you get a C?"

"The night that you left after I proposed, I got completely drunk with my friends. They couldn't stop me, and before I knew it I entered the shop. I woke up the next morning with it. And I actually wouldn't want to change it." He smiled, so that his dimples showed.

"Zac, would you like to try... us?" I asked shyly. He looked up as fast as he could and examined my face, "Us? As in.. a relationship?"

I nodded and looked down at my hands. He saw that action and entwined our fingers. "Absolutely, Elle." Zac then kissed my hand slowly.

"And now you can actually touch me," I giggled. Zac's smirk only grew bigger, "Oh, I've been waiting for that." He laughed as I hit him several times with a pillow.

After I surrendered, he tickled me and pinned my body underneath him. I was completely trapped, "Listen, Elle," He bent down and whispered softly, "I will do whatever it takes to keep you, and to make you mine." I couldn't speak a word because I was so captivated by his beauty.

"Just remember that."

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