Chapter three

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Little Love Letters


Chapter three

As I lie on my bed, I can't help but smile about the things that happened today. It felt great showing Zac I wasn't his girl anymore. I wasn't going to beg at his feet like he wanted me to.

I then remember the cute letter from yesterday morning, which I gently slide out of my jacket, which is lying on the floor's pocket.

I get up and strut over to my cupboard. I then take out my little polka dot box which I slowly open. This box has so much meaning. I keep all my memories in here. Especially from my crazy childhood.

I take out a stack of photos, which I place on the floor while sitting on my carpet. I then came across the night we had tenth grade prom. I still adore that dress to this minute. It was white, with a flowing tail. It showed off my waist perfectly. I looked so happy standing next to Zac dancing. That was the night. A painfull tear escapes my eye. That night everything was perfect.

I take the little stack of our memories in my soft hands. I then get out my lighter and start burning the photos. While they were starting to burn I walked to my bath tub and threw them inside to roast to ashes.

Parker, this is the day you get over him. Remember this because it will put you out of your misery.

I feel a weight being lifted off of my shoulders. It's as if this one action got rid of the depression I had. I can finally smile without faking it.

I pick up my phone and start deleting his number. I started blocking him on every social media site. Not only am I blocking him there, I'm blocking him out of my life.


I was packing out my books into my locker. I was bummed that I found no notes or letters.

Instead, I looked down and saw two huge arms wrapped around my waist. I squealed and tried worming out of the person's strong grip, but as always, I'm not so strong.

"Hey Elle, it's just me." I turn around and face him, while still being in his arms. His brown eyes shone like never before and his curly hair was in a perfect mess.

"Hey Conner,"

The whole hallway becomes still. I could hear a pin drop.

Because of the awkwardness I removed his hands from my waist and carried on with my books. He leaned on the locker next to mine.

After I packed the last book, I turned to face him. He had been silent this whole time. I then noticed what he was looking at. It was a pink piece of paper. When he realized I was looking at him , he stuck it into his pocket.

"What are you looking at, Conner?" I ask.

He doesn't break eye contact once.

"Only your beauty," he says.

Honestly, I've only know him for a day and it seems weird that he thinks we are that close for him to put his hands on my waist, but I liked that feeling I got when he did. I like the way I feel when a cute guy makes me feel special. And for him to think I'm beautiful only makes me like him more.

I blush a little and look down. He notices my action as he touches my arm and tries to reassure me that it's really true.

Maybe he is the mysterious C. Maybe he is the one that sent me all those letters. He also had a pink note in his hands just now. That could mean that he wanted to give it to me or stick it into my bag or something?

"I-I'm going to a snowboard party tonight, you know? Ice skating and stuff. My girl and I broke up yesterday. She was gonna go with me but I was wondering if you wanted to come with me as my date?"

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