Chapter seven

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Little Love Letters


Chapter seven

"Okay class! let's get this started." I jump at the clap sound coming from the classroom door. Mrs.Boris slowly enters with a devilish smirk on her face.

"It's that time of the year again." she says while sitting on her desk. That's the thing with this old teacher. She's adventurous and wild, like she smoked weed and pot when she was our age.

Right now, she is already wrinkly and bubbling with excitement.

I hear a couple of students groan.

I have no idea what she is talking about, but I know I'm not going to like it.

She places a pile of forms on top of my desk.

She looks at me with her grey eyes, trying to make out what I was thinking so deeply about before she snapped me out of it.

"Elle, what are you waiting for!" she signals to the forms on my desk.

"I- uh," I get up quickly and start handing them out.

The first person which I give a form out to, starts yelling, "Seriously! Can't they give us a break!"

"This is your break, blondie," the teacher says patting Audra on the head.

I look down at the bold letters on top of the piece of paper.

'Eleventh grade camp!' stood in black writing in an oval font.

I sigh. Again? We had a camp like, last month.

"Prepare yourself for an unforgettable camp! In the woods I tell you!" Mrs. Boris starts exclaiming.

I'm still handing out the forms to each and everyone. Last but not least, was Zac .

I hand him the little paper, and when I reach out he touches my hand and looks me in the eyes. He is trying to intimidate me into liking him.

He may think his touch sends shivers down my spine, well maybe it does, but I'm not going for it.

I walk forward and turn to my desk again. Zac's eyes bore a hole into my side. I know he is watching me.

He has been this whole time.

"There aren't going to be ANY dorms, only woods, which means you, yes you barbies as well..." she points to the prim and proper group and the whole class snorts in laughter. I can see these ladies don't even want to see, yet alone sleep on dung.

"..Are all going to bring your own tents. We are allowing three people in a tent, so among yourselves ,decide who brings what. But only once I'm done speaking," I already dart my eyes at Ally. I don't own a tent and I'm hoping she does, otherwise you could say we are homeless.

Sleeping on the twigs and grass would make us professional hobos I tell you.

Not to mention the snakes and bears.

"On the other hand. NO booze, drugs or cigarets, okay?" she says and I swear it's funnier than Susan Boyle trying to go on a diet.

She finishes talking and walks towards her chair. Everybody gets up and runs towards each other. It seems like in World War Z where all the zombies pile on top to make a ladder, idiots.

"Do-" I get caught off when Ally starts blabbering.

"I know what you are thinking, and I don't have a tent." Ally says much to my disappointment.

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