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The war, heaven and hell had been in war for many eons. Since the beginning of time. Leaving Error's father to be at fault due to his influence over the mortal realm.

Error had been asleep for awhile, having sudden blurred out visions of the one who he had fought in the past. An angel with pure colored wings, was it true that Ink had once been an angel? But in the form of a mortal?
Ink snuggled Error's side, there was once an angel besides Lucifer. That had became corrupted, the maker had believed that he, an angel had evil inside of him. Causing even the maker to throw him out of heaven.

But that was just a mere vision and dream that Error happened to have. He didn't understand what it meant, but he kept on thinking the visions and dreams he has been having was apart of his father erasing his memories. Leaving even Error confused,
Confusion was a mortal's trait. But Error hadn't ever been ever once mortal in his eternal life time. Error turned over to face Ink. Smiling softly, all that mattered was that they were together. Forever.

Ink smiled in return, it was exactly how Error saw it in the vision he had. Two angels, one behind the other. Error could make out some features of the colored wings and the figure behind the other, but it became blurry. Like some sort of fog rolled in. Error hadn't known how he knew his father erased his memories, all he remembers is seeing his dad above him when he was staring up at the sky in hell. Hearing him say,

"it's for your own good."

But now that Lucifer knows about Error's romance with Ink, he hadn't at all minded it. Due to because Ink was mortal, mortals were easy to corrupt and influence to follow even a demon's lead. Angels, never once thought to become corrupt, and chose to stay at the side of the maker.

Most who worship the maker, believe that there is more than just one maker. But two, one a female and one a male. Some even thought it to be Adam and Eve, but they knew naught ( old fashioned word for not ) that they were just simply eternal beings that the maker created, until they ate the forbidden fruit. And that is where mortality came into place. Mortal life was suppose to be eternal. But instead, temptation grew upon the two, taking a bite of the forbidden fruit and, soon, they became mortal.

Ink lays on Error, smiling lightly. "You okay, Glitch hell?" He would ask. Glitch Hell? Error thought deeply for a moment, realizing Ink has just come up with a nickname for him. Blushing softly, "Yeah. I'm all good, is that my new nickname I hear, Holy Bitch?" Replied Error, Ink shivers suddenly. But it was a pleasant feeling, the shiver he felt down his spine felt familiar, but he wasn't sure how to explain it.

"Yes, as a matter of fact. It is," Ink responded, sitting on Error. He sits up and just stared at the one below him, Ink had been sitting on Error's pelvis all this time. But Error didn't seem to mind it. It felt good toward him, causing even himself to hold the dominate one above him to hold his waist. Leaning up and kissing the smaller's neck tenderly, trailing his tongue slowly. Earning soft hums in reply from Ink, "My Holy Bitch is the best bitch~" Error said. Kissing more, Ink shivers again in sudden pleasure. It was starting to make him think and see things he didn't know that happened, but it was just a fogged up vision. He didn't want to get into it right now. Maybe later, he told himself.

"My Glitch Hell, is the best demon~" Ink whispered, feeling Error shift his body and move his hands into Ink's shirt. Touching a few of his ribs, smirking. "God, this reminds me of something that I can't quite put my finger on.." Ink breathed out, panting lightly. "Mmn, it does, doesn't it? I can't remember what it reminds you of, but, it'll come back when the time is right to remember it. As it always does."

- In heaven -

"My Lord, he's starting to come around. What will you do?" Asked one of the angels, Gaster had sighed gently. Replied,

"It is almost time. He is starting to remember, the life he had as an eternal angel of heaven."

Frisk had just stared at him for a moment and began to think, Ink was the one with pure rainbow wings. He fought against Error in the war, they had happened to call it "Wings Of War". But Ink hadn't fought him, but wanted to be with Error. Because he, had fallen into a romance with the demon. Error had use to be an angel, but that all changed when Gaster found out that Error's father was the Lord of hell. That is what Gaster had felt that was evil coming from Error. Being the child of Satan.

"It's soon coming, he is beginning to come into sense with his angel. The one he use to be before we sent him to Earth to be mortal and live a very mortal life."

"He has the soul of an angel, yet it comes clear to when he remembers." Chara replied, Chara was a human half angel child. A Nephiliem, ( Not sure if I spelt that right .///. ) yet Gaster seemed to not mind their presence. Since Frisk said they would watch over Chara and their actions.

- Mortal realm -

Error thrusts into Ink slowly, causing the other to groan out in pleasure.


Ink began to ride on the taller's cock, watching it go in and slowly be forced out. He bit his 'lip' gently, riding faster. Error chuckled and thrusts up steadily, smirking lightly. "Holy Bitch, you are amazing~"

"Thank you, you are too~ Glitch Hell," Ink spoke and kisses the taller's chest while bouncing slowly. "Mmn, God you make me so horny, it makes me want to fill you deep~" Error said, thrusting up more. His pace getting faster, including messy. "I'm glad I make you feel that way," Ink says, about to orgasm. Feeling Error's cock twitch suddenly, and being filled with his hot seed.

"AhHhH!" Ink bounces faster and orgasms hard on Error's cock, "Oh fUUcKK!" Error groans and pants heavily once he finished. Ink pulls him out lays on his chest. Panting heavily,

"I love you so much Error~"

"I love you ten times a million more~"


Man, I haven't written in this book for awhile! Pardon the late updates, this quarantine thing has been preventing me from updating for awhile. But it's getting better, I just know it. So here's this chapter!

Demons And Mortals | ErrorInk | EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now