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Ink set out for home. Hopefully when he got back, they'll understand his reason for taking an adventure, if they ever asked that is. Even if he has to lie about the real reason.

It took a couple of hours to get from A to B. When they finally managed to get to B, they look toward one another. "Here we are," Ink said, nervously.

Oh god god, I hope everything is the same while Error's here. I know what I did was a sin and it was wrong, but you must still forgive me.

Ink tells himself,

Error held his colorful companion's hand in his own. Squeezing suddenly, seeming very satisfied toward Ink. He smiled, locking their fingers together. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he was in love with Error. Even if he had been a demon and once an angel. But his father is a fallen angel, his mother is the guardian of the underworld. Crayon Queen, she hadn't always been that way. Once, in many other alternate timelines, she had been an angel.

"It'll be all right, Ink." Error spoke a moment later, walking with his colorful companion in through the huge monastery. The door suddenly closed behind them,

"Ink! There you are-" Speaks Blue, he paused. Looking at Error, "it's so good to see you've return safe and sound, Ink." Dream spoke up, walking behind Blue. "Yeah, sorry I took so long. I was on the way back when I came across-" Wait, how the heck- what am I suppose to call him? Should I just continue to call him Error? Ink thought, "aw! You're in love, that's adorable!" Dream said, a smile plastered his very face.

"So, who's this?" Blue asks, feeling unsure for a moment. "Oh, this is Error." Shit, Ink tells himself. "Error, hm? Neat name, I've known someone who's name is also a bit strange, too." Dream says,

Dream never did say who he's met and never even dared to give that someone's name. But Ink could guess who it was. "I know someone by a strange name, too." Blue also once said that he met someone he's met, but never gave that someone's name out.

Ink could also guess who it was. It was obvious, coming from Blue. A fellow Star Sans. He's been in love with Dust, ( Omg Dustberry ) who is also claiming to be a demon. Ink thought, so I am not the only one in love with a demon. Dream on the other hand, he's probably in love with Cross. Which Cross is.. an angel. Obviously. Wait, why does that seem familiar for some reason? Ink asks in his mind,

Later on Ink lead Error to meeting everyone else he's grown up with. "Error, this is Mother Toriel and Mother Noelle." They both look at him, "It's a pleasure to meet you!" Mother Noelle said, with enthusiasm in her voice. Mother Toriel seemed unsure, as like Blue had been earlier. "Ink, may I have a word with you?" She asks, Ink nodded lightly. Error loosens his hand, taking it to his mouth and kissing Ink's hand. "Come back soon, love." Error says, smiling. "I will, it'll only be for a few minutes." Ink replied, wandering out of the room with Mother Toriel.

She had looked at him, "Ink. I hope you know what you're doing," Toriel's voice came. "Of course I know," Ink said,

"I just want you to be safe around 'him' because some men aren't what they say they are."

"Oh what? You're saying he could be some rapist or something?"


"Okay. Then what?"

"A demon, Ink. He could be a demon,"

The color from Ink's face faded into a pale color. She's not dumb, she knows the smell of demon. He had been scared if she actually knew what Error was. Ink spoke, "he's not a demon! He's a man! An actual man!" Ink lied. But it wasn't entirely a lie, he just wanted her to shut up about the whole "demon this, demon that" topic.

He covered his mouth, "sorry for shouting. But it's true," God I feel so horrible for lying to someone who raised me as their own child. Ink thought, Mother Toriel sighs. "It's all right, I understand where you're coming from, Ink. I really do, just- be careful around him for my sake, won't you?" She asked, Ink smiled. Nodding gently,

"of course."

Ink went into his room with Error following alongside him. "So.. She knows.." Error began, "no. She doesn't, I made a lie to save you." Ink replied, softly. "Heh, wise ass." Error says, laying down on the bed. Cuddling Ink's side.

"You know, I can tell that Blue is also dating a demon. Dream is in love with an angel, Toriel is also in love with an angel, too."

"I am not surprised how you knew that,"

"as they say, 'knowledge is it's own reward'. But knowledge can lead even one simple person to go into maddness." Error responded, certain demons can smell their own kind. They know the smell of demon when they feel their own kind nearby or their scent on someone. So, that's who I smelt when Blue paused.

I was smelling a demon, Dust. Lucky for Error, he's got his disguise on. Blocking his scent from being able to be caught by anyone, besides me. For some reason. Ink tells himself, kissing Error tenderly on the 'lips'. The other wrapped his arm around Ink's waist, pulling him closer and started to cause the kiss to grow deeper.

They part the kiss for air, Ink's face was lit up in his rainbow blush. Smiling suddenly. Snuggling Error, laying on his chest and soon.

Falling asleep for awhile.

Demons And Mortals | ErrorInk | EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now