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Error happened to be  the Prince of hell.

His father who was lord and ruler of the underworld, hell, had  sat in his chair, looking toward his offspring.

"So, you've made a deal with a mortal?"

"Yes father."

Replied Error,

"Good. Now our influence can grow within the mortal world."

Ink just sat there at his desk, trying so hard to prevent himself from falling asleep. Again. He stretched and stood up away from his desk, "time to take a walk." He says to himself. Once he walked out of his bedroom, mother Noelle spots him.

"Oh, Ink!"


"Something terrible has happened!"

She said, hugging him.

"What has happened?"

"One of our workers, the maker's helpers has passed."

"Passed? You mean-"

Ink paused, she just wept into his shoulder. "He was so young, he didn't deserve to die.." Noelle says, Ink held her in his arms. Letting her cry,

"he'll be remembered. Never forgotten."

He replied, "he was young. But there had to be a reason why he went too soon. The maker probably called him home."

"it's possible. He had been sick for awhile." Noelle responded.

Ink helps her sit down and sat before her, "so. How did it happen?" He asked.

"It happened this afternoon, he was just in the infirmary getting his blood tested and then that's when.. it happened.." She replied, tearing up. Wiping them away, "he was my brother.." Ink hears. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Mother Noelle. But, he's in a better place now. He's with the maker." Ink said, smiling. "Think positive for his sake and let this be a sign that there is a home we all can go to after this one," He continued, she smiled and wipes her tears with her sleeve. "Crying in front of you must be showing you weakness of me.."

"Of course not. It makes you stronger, you needed this. Bottling everything up would just make things worse."

| A/N; Noted. Speaking to myself in reality about my conflictions that caused me to literally not cry ._. |

Noelle held Ink's hand in hers, smiling again. "You sound exactly like Dream when he wants someone to be positive about people who have been lost in the brink of death."

"Just remember him, never forget him."

Said Ink, hugging her softly.

"I always will."

| A/N; Pardon if this chapter is short there will be more for the fourth chapter XD |

Demons And Mortals | ErrorInk | EDITINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant