F O R T Y - O N E

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falling, aimlessly into the dark abyss underneath him. Being dragged deeply, further into the darkness. Feeling sudden emotion, darkness, eagerly waiting to consume the portions of light that came from Ink's pure colored wings.

Struggling to free himself, he gripped the tentacles of the mass of the abyss, listening to it growl at him and sling shot him down into the abyss of the dark void. Causing him to grunt and stop himself from flying down to low.

"You don't derserve to be an angel, for you do not have a true soul." He would hear, staring forward.

"I was raised by the angels of my very creator. Are you're telling me, that I'm meant to become a demon?"

Ink asked- staring directly at the mass that soon took form. "Why don't we find out?" He hears, narrowing his eyes. Trying to make out what form it chose. "Mora has only one plot, and it's to destory the multiverse. And if even you had the soul, you wouldn't be able to stop her anyway. It is in fate and destiny that she consumes all, to create it to be her own."

"If that were true then why are you still here-?" Ink asked, "I may be soulless, but I am not like how you wish me to be. I am me at best, and, there isn't anything in the multiverse that can change me for who I am." He continued on.

Watching the mass form into himself, smirking with a very wide mischevious grin. "Then, it will be your end, to where you will get corrupted and fall-" the words seemed less distorted. And soon, the mass was no more. Flowing with magic like no other.

"And from this point, I will be you. And destory everything you've ever loved, that includes your precious demon lover~" Spoke the other before Ink. Ink crossed his arms, pretending not to listening. Staring at his hand, "I'm sorry. Did you say something?"


"I'm sorry, but you won't be taking anyone's place. At least, not today, or ever. If you think being someone else is okay, then that is on you. Who you truly are matters the most-"

*Error's half

Sitting, staring, wondering, he had no idea how he was going to save his angel lover. He was worried, yet scared at the same time.

Mora had been free from her prison, which she had been trapped in for many millions of years. So many lives are going to be in danger and yet, he couldn't think of how to save them all.

But he's a demon-

Why would he care?

Deep down, Error does care. He was just never use or good at showing it. He sighed, standing up and clenching his fist. Knowing that he needed to recuse his lover from the abyss that has taken him.

"I'll save you, Ink. Even if it costs me my life." Error says, staring down at the dark abyss like pit below him. "I swear, I won't give up on you." He continued, Zen held his shoulder. "And I'll help, it is right after all. Anyway, we need a plan-"

"No. I'm going to do this on my own. I don't need some angel to help me save someone I love, you took me from him when I was trying to get him back."

"Error- you must understand that Mora is more powerful than you think. If you challange her, you will die. Do you get what this means?" Zen asks, Error just pondered for a moment or two. Sighing softly, "shit. You're not wrong. But, I've never been one who's ever needed help in anything. I don't know how to ask-"

"All you have to simply do is say 'may you help me'?" Replied Azel,

"kiss my ass angel."

Error spat, a crease on his skull suddenly.

Demons And Mortals | ErrorInk | EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now