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Demons and angels have been at war since the beginning of the universe's existence. Since the first creation of man, demons were trying to influence mortal life to endure sin instead of being pure of heart.

The maker's worshipers were trying to save those who have been influenced to be under the devil, Lucifer.

Who use to be the most glorious angel of heaven.

Error was reading about demon, and, mortal heart beats, if there was a reason why he fell for Ink.

The book he had been reading would give him the answer. He never knew why he was so attracted to the mortal he had chosen to be with. He flips through more pages, reading in the process in his mind;

'Demons have had sexual relationships with mortals for centuries. Demon heart beats are rare, beating for only one reason and one reason alone'.

'Demons aren't bound to love, but with the remaining angelic blood within their spiritual body, a soul forms within the demonic center of their essence. Causing them to feel "love" and "want", also earning it to turn into "lust" for mortality'.

'Mortal heart beats are a bit different than a demon's undead one, but they have the ability to love if they choose to. In which is called a unbreakable spell demons tend to have, called; demonic compassion, luring the mortal into being in love with one or more'.

Error had finally began to understand, realizing that Ink had a choice to run away, or, submit to the spell of a demon. In which, Ink chose to fall in love with him. As well as Error, fell in love with Ink.

He began to remember something that happened a long, long time ago.

In Error's vision, he had saw an angel, with pure colored wings. Hearing a voice, said,

"Beyond this world. Is another that mortality has never before seen, another alternate existence. With this alternate universe combined, there is many things in this very overcrowded multiverse that has not yet been discovered. But it must be protected at all cost."


Error blinked and shook his head once he heard his name being called out to. "Error, Are you okay?" Ink asked, startling the other.

He closed the book, and soon nods,

"Yeah. I'm okay," he replied.

His demon form was starting to take form again, Ink suddenly pokes his new lover.

"Error. Are you sure you're okay?" Ink says. Wrapping his arms around the taller's shoulders from behind. "Mhm, yeah. I just.. I just had a weird vision, that's all." Error said, "yeah. Well, it led your form to shift." Ink gave a hushed whisper in reply. Snuggling his demon lover, Error sighed, and leaned his back into his chest. Earning the smaller's face to heat up in his many beautiful hues.

The demon before him had reformed his mortal body for awhile longer. For Ink's sake. Him looking like a mortal had caused his energy to be covered so no one holy could feel his presence. All but Ink could see him for what he was.

His lover.

Error pulled Ink in front of him, and kissed the smaller with a deep desire.

The smaller smiled and sits on him, kissing further. "I found out that you had a choice." Error said,

Demons And Mortals | ErrorInk | EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now