F O R T Y - T H R E E

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She watched the portal close before them. Giving a very sudden chilled chuckle that could only make a mortal shiver just from hearing it.

But Nightmare was no mortal,

for he-

Was a demon. A demon of mayhem, chaos and,


Nightmare turned to face Mora, in return she lends her hand to him, said, "come back to where my body is located. I have a reward for you, Nightmare." Through the shadow she sent to give her message to Nightmare.

"Reward, huh? Only for pushing a yet corrupted angel into another realm?" Teased Nightmare, "prehaps it is more that you seek." Mora replied, watching the other demon before her take her hand into his.

"Oh, it's more that I seek, indeed."

"Then, what is it that you seek, dearest Nightmare?"

"I seek vengeance against the prince of hell. Error."

"Oh~? So you wish to punish~?" Replied Mora's teasing voice, "indeed I do."

"Then it shall be so, but in order to get what you want. You have to do something for me first,"

"Another task? Didn't I just do as you asked?"

Nightmare's voice came, staring at her shadow.

"Indeed you have, but I had another thing for you to do in mind. And believe me now, your reward is worth it, once you complete this task."

"Go on."

"I want you to find their child. He goes by the name of; PaperJam.

the only being who can stand corruption is the grandchild of the devil. Why, you may ask? Because, he is half mortal. Which gives him the choice to either become corrupted or filled with enlightenment."

Mora stated.

-PaperJam's half

Only hearing Goth and Palette chatter across the field during break of their training had made him think. In the mortal realm it truly has actually been a few years.

Months even turn into years. So by then and now, it has been four days in hell.

It has simply been four years in the realm where mortals wander, soul, heart and breath. The days on Earth tend to go by a lot slower than they do in hell.


Causing even Goth and PaperJam to now be old enough to take on responsibilities to help save mortality from its destruction. Palette had been the same age as Rurik.

Four years, they both were now the age of young adults.

PaperJam was starting to get worried, he hasn't heard back from his mother in almost those many amount of days or months. Years, even. He really hoped that his mother didn't forget about him.

But little did PaperJam know, that his mother was in a very big situation that could change his life.


Or so it seemed.

-Ink's half

Falling from the portal that opened in the sky, lead Ink to dive down into the ocean. Sinking down, further down into the deep sea. Coming back up and coughing up water that he happened to choke on.

Moving his arms through the water, looking around once he calmed down. "Okay, so I can't go back to Error. Now what?" He asked himself, aloud. Listening to the ocean's waves, and suddenly hearing them crash into an island.

Ink swore that, that island wasn't there before. He looked around then, and as of before, it wasn't there. Seeming to him, it moved. Somehow.

What if a type of so called God brought it upon him? He began to swim toward land, climbing onto the sand, having the water pull him back due to his wings.

Ink grunts, gripping onto a vine to help him further. Tugging on it, climbing out of the water.

Little did Ink know.

That it wasn't just an island he's landed on. It was further more. Apparently, it seemed to have a city within the distance.

A city big enough to support an entire colony of mortals, demons and, angels?

Once Ink was able to breathe, he layed back into the dry sand, panting heavily. Coughing, straining from the pain in his rib cage. Holding the area he remembered Nightmare stabbing him. The corruption was going to begin soon, and he didn't want that. He wanted to get help.

But as soon as he prayed for it. He passed out from the pain.

And soon, his prayers were heard. Letting two angels take hold of him,

"Oh dear. Poor thing." Spoke a voice, picking Ink up. His vision was hazy, the pain was rising when he was moved from the spot he laid in.

Grunting in pain, clenching his hand to prevent himself from lashing due to how bad it was.

an hour later they took Ink into their care, and looked after him like he was one of their own. But not all of them saw to it that Ink was one of Comyet's children.

They treated Ink's wound, listening to the heart monitor beeping, slowly, healing the wound from corruption with a bit of holy water. Earning even Ink to flinch when they tended to the inflicted wound on his rib cage.

Ink swore he heard their voices, said, "what are we going to do with him after we heal his wound?"

Another replied, "we shall look after him for awhile. Until he's ready to take flight once again."

And- that was when Ink knew. He was surrounded by angels of his own kind. Jolting awake once the angels got done healing his wound, he pants, looking around. An oxygen mask on his face, "easy now. You're all right." Ink hears, laying his head back into the pillows behind him.

A few children were there to help keep him calm,

"the wound may have healed. But it won't stop the corruption."

Ink once again hears in the distance.

"But sir. We did everything we could manage. We even used holy water." Spoke Astral, an angel of light and hope. Astral seemed to look almost like Dream would have. A golden crown on his head.


Ink suddenly spoke, his voice hoarse due to the mask on his face. "You're name is Ink, correct?" Asked one of the nurses, she had a forked tail. Making him think of Error.


He began, tearing up softly. Gripping the sheets, turning his head from staring.

"Oh dear, Ink, it's going to be all right. We're here to help you, and take care of you."

"What in the devil's name is going on here-?" A gruff voice asked, which seemed to be the voice of one of the dragon priests.

( Yes, it was my brother's idea
:3 why? Because, it made our AU very interesting! )

"General Kozar," Spoke Astral. Greeting him. "We have found another angel, what shall we do with him, sir?" He would ask, "hmm. So, Mora brought us yet another angel? Let us hope he proves useful, but if he is weak. I'll kill him myself."

"WH- Sir!"

"With training, of course. You idiot you really thought I would let one of Mora's chosen vessels to be killed by me? You're pathetic, worthless angel. The only one who can kill this angel is Mora herself." The man named Kozar pushed the other angel out of the way,

Apparently dragon priests are known to be evil. A few of them seemed to be almost like how angels are.

But, you can immediately tell.

They are not angels. Nor, are they good.

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