T H I R T Y - N I N E

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To when PaperJam and Goth arrived in the mortal realm, it caused both of them to be nervous for what was to come.

Their parents wanted to protect them from the danger of being captured by Mora. PaperJam seemingly had been still the age of an eight year old. Goth had been as well as the same as him. PaperJam was an inch taller than Goth.

"So, this is the place?" Goth asked, walking forward. Looking up and spotted the monastery, which appeared to be up many steps of stairs. PaperJam looked up along with him and nodded,

"yeah. Seems to be so,"

He wasnt exactly sure why anyone would even have their own kids go up that many steps.

But, it's progress of becoming better and faster.

The real reason why Ink and Error sent PaperJam to the mortal realm, was because they wanted even the sister nuns to help train them to become stronger and better. Even managing to protect themselves one day from great evils that lurk within the darkest shadows. Goth was a little sad that he couldn't stay beside his parents, but, he grew to understand it was to protect him from something so dark. Goth had been half angel, due to the fact, his father is known as the reaper of souls. He began to further understand.

He was going to grow up for awhile without them. And, he would miss them deeply as his time within the mortal realm goes on. Who knows? He may even find something or someone interesting as him one day. Goth followed PaperJam up the steps, carrying their backpacks on their shoulders.

- thirty minutes later -

They reached the top of the steps, Goth had been out of complete breath. He pulls his bag from behind him open, and pulled out two bottles of water for him and PaperJam.

Lending his friend one, with this, it caused PaperJam to give a sudden smile. Thanking Goth for the bottle, unscrewing the lid and taking a drink. Becoming fully replenished from the satisfactory of the water.

There were children running around and playing on the playground that was there. They had all been thankful that the sister nuns had someone come and build it for the children. Which seemed to be not as expensive as the sisters would have thought. Since they work to protect the children and to give them a home. They get good pay, even when some of the children were found homeless and or foster.

Their maker rewards them with something further more than mere money, but gold pieces to help them in their debts and troubles. Worshiping the marker had always had its fair share of rewards.

Palette just sits across the playground, with his hands folded in his lap. Suddenly meditating to regain his energy from playing with the other children. Palette had been the age of what now seems to be a nine year old. He gave a sudden breath of fresh air, and swore he felt eyes gawking at him from the other side of the playground. Which seemed to either be Red or Rurik.

Most of the time, it would be Rurik.

He was one of the children who lived in the monastery. There were two parts of their new home. There was the house for the children, to where there were many rooms. And then there is the
main building, the monastery.

Where the sister nuns live, sleep, eat, and, pray.

Palette had sensed an uneasy feeling from the other across from him. Rurik had been a slightly disturbed child, he was born in the royal bloodline of demons and mortals. For he, too, was  nephiliem.

Just like PaperJam.

Once Palette stared up at the other across from him, Rurik looked away with a disgusted look on his face. The same look he always had. Running off and going over to where Lotus had sat, playing in the sand box. Rurik happened to be the same age as Palette, Lotus had been the age of either six or seven.

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