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It couldn't be helped.

Ink grew curious.

He had gone to the chapel's library, and searched for something to answer his questions. He had searched for awhile, until he found what he was looking for.

Grabbing the giant book from the low section of the shelf it stayed upon. Dust had been on this book for so long. Ink wondered why no one else even dared to read it dust it. He moved himself from the shelf and found a seat to begin reading.

Ink blows the cover of dust that lingered on the book. Reading the title;

'Demons And Mortals'.

Thinking for a moment. That sounds oddly specific. He told in his head.

He soon opened the book and flipped through a few pages.

Until he came across a paragraph of words that read;

'Hell is a place not on earth. For it is elsewhere. Space and time collide together as it does with heaven.'

He had remembered when he grabbed the book, the same feeling from before had lingered him. That cold anonymous precense. But, oddly, but surely, it may have felt cold.

But it also felt very dark. He wanted to know more, but as they say,

'Demons have knowledge, and knowledge is a power that mortality seeks more of. But, in times of crisis, they use knowledge as power'.

Too much of it could drive one mad, Ink told himself. Reading further,

' Demons do not have a heart. Because they are not alive. Nor do they have a soul. Because they are not mortal, man-made by God'.

could have said that to myself. Ink thought.


He read,



Oh boy, there is a catch.

He told himself, anxiously.

'Demons who mate with mortals are bound to create children of Sin. The devil's grandchildren. '

Oh crap, he thought. He felt his face turn pale, I had known that demons wanted mortal souls for more power. But I hadn't known that they wanted children.

Ink told himself,

' In order to prevent any kind of demon from latching itself onto you. Do not have desire to speak to one or more. It could possibly lure those few directly to you and put you in danger'.

That's odd. Ink thought. They could  bring your very desire to life. Some even say when you kiss one, you're under their wicked spell to stay with them for an eternity.

Oh wait, or is that a sex demon it's taking about-?

Mortals don't naturally live life that very long, unless they are super healthy, but even if they weren't, some would sell their soul to the devil. After that, it would make them immortal. Or so it states.

Ink sighed, "well. That explains a lot." He said to himself. That I may have been feeling a demon around me this entire time. He continued in his thoughts, Ink had been becoming a priest soon. He had been in training to get rid of demons, but he has never encountered one in his life.

Not yet.

Only thinking about it made him ponder deep within his thoughts. The way he felt within the dream he happened to have the night before. How peaceful and beautiful it was, until he felt that cold anonymous precense within the distance. Was something there? Was something or someone watching him? He knew it couldn't have been an angel, because angels are of the holy light. They're warm and pure, they make your body tingle whenever they're near. When demons are near, it's anonymous.

You never know on who is which. If one is following you or if one or more is just watching.

Ink decided to sleep when he got back to his room, maybe if I sleep I'll be able to meet whoever- whatever it was that was making it cold? Ink thought, feeling his eyes get heavy. Closing them for a moment,

he soon fell into sleep.

Wandering further into his dreams, he sat upon the grass if where he sat in his earliest of dreams. He looked up at the sky, the colors were mixed between blue and orange. The sun had been setting, he sighed softly. Wait- if I expect something to happen, it won't happen. Ink thought, he laid back upon the grass. His arm behind his skull, while the other rested at his stomach. He just watched the clouds roam by slowly within the sky.

Suddenly, he felt that very cold anonymous precense once again. He looked over to where it may have been, "who's there?" He asked out. Luckily he isn't talking in his sleep, "a friend." Spoke up a distant, but clear voice. Ink couldn't see who was speaking. "If you are a friend, then why can't I see you?" He replied, hearing faint laughter. "Because I am apart of your mind."  The voice began.

"Hey. Look. Friends do favours, right?" Ink heard this and nodded. "Yeah. Favours. Wait-- what did you need me for?"

"Well. I have a favour to ask of you." It sounded slightly like static. "Oh! What did you need help with?" Ink asked, faint laughter filled the air. "My body is trapped elsewhere from here."

"My mind?"

"No. More outside of it."


"My body is trapped in an ancient city ruin. And I would like you to do me the favour of getting me my body back."

Ink listens and thinks for a moment.

"What's in it for me?"

"Let us make a deal shall we?"

Ink couldn't have been more sure that it was definitely a demon.

"What deal? That sounds like a demon talking-"

He knew if he accepted he would have his soul taken from him due to him being mortal. If he was right about this voice being a demon.

"What's your name?"

Ink asked. "Me? I go by many names."

Yep. Definitely a demon. Great. Ink told in his mind. Sarcastically.

"I'm Ink."

The voice just laughed,

"All right. I'm Error. But, enough with the introductions, let me say that if you help me find my body, I'll reward you greatly."

He said.

"What? Taking my soul like any demon would?" Ink replied, growling was heard. "You mortals are no fun. You all ready knew I was a demon to begin with since you are a--- tchh.. A priest.. I was thinking of something much more."

"More? Are you meaning-"

"Yes. Exactly what I'm meaning. Ink."

- - -

"Ink?" Ink had heard his name being called out, "Ink!" Once the deal had been made. He woke up, startled. "What is it?" He asked out, the light of the afternoon had made his eye lights hurt a bit. "You fell asleep. Again." Dream replied, Ink closed the book he was reading. Yawning, while covering his mouth.

Spoke, "thank you for waking me." Dream chuckled. "You're very welcome. Also I would be careful of reading through that book. It could draw a demon to you." Dream said.

Too late for that now. Ink said in his head.

"Well, I'll leave you to do as you wish. Just be mindful on where you plodder around."

Dream states, patting Ink's shoulder slightly.

Ink had been pondering in his deepest thoughts, I wonder where he went? He, it, whatever it was that made a deal with me. Hard to tell when 'Error' introduced himself to come to me as only a shadow.

He thought to himself, oh Gods if this is a demon, please protect my innocence and my soul.

He hears the thought within his very mind, Ink's well being was to help other mortals who serve the many universal Gods to protect many others who have been influenced by demons.

Demons And Mortals | ErrorInk | EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now