F I F T Y - S I X

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CQ, she stood within the hallway of her kingdom. Knowing that soon, Mora would gain her strength. She postured her body in stance like an armed warrior would have.

Her hands behind her back, and walking soon, walked forward. Giving a sudden glace down the lightly dim hallway.


"we need a plan. And soon, for if we do not. Then all hope is lost. Even though we are in hell- we must protect the most greatest thing that has ever been brought into this world."

CQ then stopped in place, soon to face Lucifer, and their friend, Fresh, and their son Geno.

"It's funny ta know that I'm not really related ta Geno and Error." Gave a gentle hearted reply by Fresh, he smiled, his shades wrote "cool" on them. Then switched to "yolo".

"You are a family friend, Fresh. But we did raise you as like you were one of us." Lucifer said, patting his shoulder.

"We need to figure out how we're going to plan to stop Mora." CQ replied,

"if not. Then, everything will be lost. Error and Ink must be found. Death! Have you located them?"

Death had appeared from a portal, gently tapping the floor with his scythe. "Indeed I have, apparently, they were hanging out at world 2.9."


( don't ask, I was bored lol sounds interesting though >:3 )

"Why in hell would they go to CyberSwarm? Unless-"

"Unless they were being chased."

- Ink's half

Ink had climbed up into the trees, feeling like he was now one with the forest. Letting his tail help him from falling. Swinging slightly.

Then, he soon watched Error fall from the top to the bottom of the trees.

"Easy, Ruru." Ink said, laughing. Smiling. "Don't worry about me, Kiki. I'm just guarding you because it's what I'm suppose to do, you're my lover. I need to protect you and our unborn child." Error spoke, climbing back up.

He had caught himself on a branch before hitting the ground. Then, sitting himself up beside Ink.

Once they realized how high they had been, they looked around. Coming then, face to face to one another. Both felt their faces flush in their blush, Ink held Error's hand. "Error, where are we?" Ink asked, after looking away.

"I'm unsure. I think it's another alternate universe. So whatever you do, don't let others see you. Or it could be possible that our timeline will go through a paradox."

"This isn't the past, Error. It's a timeline." Teased Ink, squeezing Error's hand in his. He seemed excited, this was a new universe. A new world.

He couldn't wait to explore the depths of it. But Error wasn't wrong. He needed to stay out of sight. For if he ran into another version of himself, a paradox could be possible.

But how would it be possible, when CyberSwarm was in the future?

- Error's half

Watching the sky before them, soon to come across a hovercraft flying overhead. Giving a soft screeching while it did so. Ink looked up, stars in his eyes suddenly.

Is this- Mora's world? Ink pondered.

Soon jumping into the arms of his demon lover when they got onto the ground. Error gently placed his hand on Ink's stomach.

"Error, can we please at least get something to eat? I'm starving." Ink says, his eyes lit up with a color that Error hasn't seen before. Error then smiled, giving a sigh.

Demons And Mortals | ErrorInk | EDITINGHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin