S I X T Y - O N E

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Hell's gate began to finally open, letting many of the underworld's demons to roam free after such a long time of waiting for the ice barrier to melt.

Geno had been worried for his child. He wasn't sure what was happening, but it couldn't be anything good. Hell shook with the strength of the quake that happened earlier on. The side effects of it still lingered. Earning even the demons to want to escape hell, saving their own kin from actual impending doom.

Surprisingly, they want to save their own lives more than taking other's.

Death sighed briefly, looking up at the barrier that has now been thawed, and, reopened.

He suddenly began tapping his scythe on the floor, opening a portal to another realm to where his good friend Life had thrived. Allowing Geno to accompany him, holding his hand out to his lover. "Come, Geno. We must travel to the tree of Life."

Death spoke, this earned even Geno to not hesitate to follow along side him. Taking his hand, soon, to walk through the portal.

Life had been attending to her plants, making sure the weeds weren't causing any trouble for the other flowers and trees.

She had been the only one who hadn't known of the quakes that has been happening as of recently.

But soon, she would.

"Life, I have some bad news." Began Death, she looked up from her garden of flowers. Setting the basket she held down in front of her. "Oh? What's the news?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"The end is coming-"

Geno held Death's sleeve. Suddenly worrying for Goth, hoping that he would stay safe.

Surprisingly, he even began to pray that his child would find a spot to hide until the quakes stopped.

"The end? You mean- oh, oh dear. This isn't good." Life replied, "haven't you been feeling the energy shift as of late, Life?" Death asked. She looked around, then shook her head. "As of late, no. Because my realm isn't of any timeline. Did you forget?" Giggled Life, smiling softly.

"Of course not. But it would be best to show you what's been going on, because as of right now. Everything is coming to an end as we so speak."

Life couldn't believe her ears, she wasn't sure who would do such a thing. But even then, she did know who or what it could have been to bring at least the end to reality.

Mora. She had awoken a beast of flames, to consume the multiverse. As she so promised in so many alternate timelines ago.

"Oh no-- this can't be good." Life said, suddenly beginning to feel the ground underneath her footing,


Her plants had began to slowly wither. Earning even her to become wide eyed, her mouth half open to witnessing such a tragic event that was occurring before her.

She felt pain, holding her chest. "No. NO! It's too early for the end to come!" She panicked, and, fell to her knees.

Death walked over and held her shoulder.

"Don't fret, Life. We can still save them."

Geno had agreed, knowing that the end was coming, meant,

Mora achieved what even the devil--

Could not.

*CQ's half

Getting everyone to safety was a top priority for the queen.

She needed everyone to be together in a group so that when all hell did break loose. They would be together to protect the palace.

Demons And Mortals | ErrorInk | EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora