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The days seem to go by slowly, on Earth. In heaven, a day for an angel? Is perhaps a thousand years,

Dream had sat at the table. Drinking some tea and having some toast, reading throughout the book of holy. When he was a child, he grew up with a brother who had turned and became a demon.

Nightmare, he was never born mortal. Never at all in his very lifetime. It upsetted Dream to have to deal with his brother Nightmare's behaviour. He was hoping some guidance from an angel would help ease his thoughts, "Cross. I don't know if you can hear me, but I need your help. I need some guidance to deal with my brother's behaviour." Dream said, out loud.

"I.. I don't know what to do.."

He paused, trembling. Setting his teacup on the table.

Depression had filled Dream's heart, even when he tried so very hard to push those feelings away. He held his head in his hands, trying to figure out a way to prevent himself from feeling such sadness.

Ink walks into the kitchen, spotting the smaller at the table with his hands to his head. "Dream? What's wrong?"

"I don't know how to handle Nightmare, Ink. I've tried for far too long during my life, alongside with our mother. She is an angel, and.. father is a-"

"Easy there, calm down. We'll figure something out, I'm sure of it." Ink said, he remembers. Dream didn't exactly have a life of mortality at his disposal. For Dream was half. Hybrid between demon and angel. The smaller didn't quite exactly want to be that way, but it couldn't really be helped.

Ink sits beside him, leaning into his shoulder and resting his hand there. Rubbing small circles into his back,

"it'll be okay. Keep praying, never give up hope."

Ink spoke. An annoyed groan filled the silence, "hope is meaningless. Stupid mortals, you don't know anything." Ink knew that voice, it was Dust. A demon of murder and possibly death. But to Blue? He was way more different than any other demon he's ever met.

"Dust, what are you doing here?" Dream asked.

"Blue summoned me here."

"Blue did? But why would he-"

"That's none of your buissness." Blue said, walking into the kitchen dressed in a mini skirt. Ink just stared and couldn't believe even his eyes.

"Holy Gods of the universe! Blue! Why are you wearing such a short skirt?" Ink asks, "because I feel like it, mweh!" Blue replied. His eyes twinkling suddenly, Dust pops open a beer and chugs it. "Ok, just- please be careful with Dust. I don't want you to get hurt, okay?" Ink asks,

Dust smirked. Spanking Blue's ass, "Hey! Keep it for the bedroom~" Blue teases. Giving Dust the bedroom eyes.

"Awh~ can't I have at least a little bite?" Dust replied, leaning in and kissing Blue's nape.

"No, be patient, Dusty~"

"Patience isn't my best strong suit,"

"Pathetic." A deeper voice than Error and Dust's voice rumbled the entire floor to the kitchen,

"Love is a weak trend all mortals have and you just simply HAD to include all of us demons into it. It's disgusting."

"Nightmare, I-"

"I don't want to fucking hear your voice, brother. If I do, I'll snap your fucking spine until you are nothing but golden powdered dust."

Dream shivers, holding Ink close. "Protect me.." He whispered,

"Holy fuck! Is that Nightmare I hear?" Error asks, eating a breakfast bar. "Error! Language!" Ink shouts now.

"Babe.. You should already know I'm not that sorry, you know it can't be helped."

"Well, well, look who it is. It's Mr. Prince of hell, long time no see." Nightmare's voice rumbled the floor again, "Nightmare can you please not rumble the floor? We just put those tiles in not so long ago!" Dream says, Nightmare just glared.

"What the fuck did I just say, bitch?" In reply, Nightmare responded.

Dream stays quiet, fearfully trembling. He's always been afraid of Nightmare, but he couldn't help himself but unconditionally love his brother. That's what the creator would have wanted.

"Nightmare, you need to leave. Right now, before I make you." Said Ink, "Oh, look at the hero. Coming to save the day. How quant. " Nightmare says.

He had been known to bring madness. But in the end, Dream kept thinking that his brother just needed some help. Someone to love. Even if Nightmare did think it was pathetic.

Nightmare's tentacles spread out and pick Ink up by his arm, "Nightmare. Put him down," Error spoke. The other trails his hand into Ink's shirt, touching his spine to where his stomach would be placed. Ink couldn't hold his soft groans in, the taller before him trails his tentacles on sensitive spots.

"Oh ho, what? You're in love with this mortal? You? Prince of hell? Hmph, what a joke." Nightmare tossed Ink away like he was a doll falling from its shelf.

"I had no idea you fell that low enough to fall in love with a mere mortal."

Error caught him before he even hit the floor. "You know what? It's boring here anyway, I'm going to go somewhere else to cause mayhem. See you later, losers."

Nightmare teleported out of the house. Ink pants heavily, holding Error close. "So, Error's a demon.." Dream began, "well.. I.." Ink sighed. It couldn't be held a secret any longer. "Yes, but so is Dust."

Dust chuckles, "and? What are you going to do about it?" He asks. "Oh, send me to hell. Is that it? I'm sorry, but the number you have dialed is not available, unless I fuck this adorable skele-bean you call Blue~" Dust continued.

Blue smacked him into the counter. "Dust! No one needs to know what you want to do to me!" He spat, "mhm, I would let that tight frame ride me any day." Dust replied, teasingly. Blue's face heats up with baby blue, "oh god have mercy on my soul." He whispers.

Well, this is interesting. Ink tells himself, first Dust arrives and then Nightmare appears.

What more could go wrong?

Let me give a hint.


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