Chapter 41: Day 2

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-----NO ONE'S POV-----

Asuma and Yamato looked at (y/n) as she fell asleep leaning on Asuma. Yamato chuckled "Maybe we should let her sleep." Asuma smiled and patted the girls head beside him "We'll continue the training for new we'll just relax." Asuma said relaxing himself as he looked up at the clouds.

Shikamaru who was watching the class 1A train from up on a tree, yawned. He watched as his teammates and the members of Mankai Offices training them. Well, apart from Omi, Taichi and Juza who where busy cooking and baking for Momo and Satou. Shikamaru boredly looked over to (y/n)'s direction watching their training progress. He watched as she train with the ninneko. He bent his hand and placed his chin on his palm, his eyes not leaving the (h/c) female. Aizawa looked at the male on the tree and followed his gaze. This made his students curious. They followed their gaze and watched as (y/n) fused with the cat into a big cat then unfuse only to fuse again. They noticed every time the female unfused she had chakra on her head that mimicked the ears of a cat, along with paws, legs and a tail. Most where a little bit concerned maybe she'll turn but they kept their cool. "Get back to work." the students looked at Aizawa and saw he activated his quirk making his hair float. "Y-YES SIR." they yelled out then proceeded to train themselves. Shikamaru let out a scoff looking at the foreigners. He returned his gaze back on his teammate and saw that she was now walking towards the tree then sitting under that said tree. This peaked his interest more so he jumped down and walked towards his sensei. (y/n) was peacefully asleep leaning on Asuma's arm with Gray curled up on her lap while Yamato was facing (y/n) Leaning on another tree.
"Want to join in?" Asuma asked his student.
"Yeah. Id rather be here than to be over there." Shikamaru made his way in front of Asuma and (y/n) and sat there. He wasnt by the tree but he was still covered by the shade.
"How is she doing?" Shikamaru asked.
"Since when where you interested on others progress?" Asuma asked smiling at Shikamaru.
"What i can't ask anymore, Old man?" Asuma chuckled.
"Asking or not. You do a lot of stuff for her that you wont do for other people. Let's be honest." He looked at Shikamaru smiling knowingly.
"Whatever." Shikamaru said laying on the ground facing the sky. His arms bent and his head rested on his hands. He closed his eyes annoyed.
"Shikamaru. You cook, you prepare her lunch, you keep track of her. The Shikamaru i know would find everything too troublesome and would rather lay down and sleep."
Silence filled the spaces between them. Air blew past them making some of the leaves fall off and ride the wind creating a calm view for anyone who was looking. The branches swayed along a soft ambiance, natures lullaby. Shikamaru opened his eyes and looked at the branches above him. "Nothing's too troublesome its for her." He said under his breath. Asuma snapped a look at Shikamaru.
"What?" He asked trying to confirm what he had heard from his lazy student.
"I said you're troublesome." he said closing his again and drifted to sleep.
Asuma blinked in confusion and scratched his neck. He might have forgot about (y/n) sleeping beside him because she shifted in her sleep. Immediately he stopped moving waiting. When (y/n) finally made herself comfortable he let out his breath that he didn't know he was holding.
"Hey no fair. Us too." Ino said sitting beside her sensei and leaning on him too. "Scooch over!" Choji said excitedly laying down on Asuma's lap. Asuma looked at his students and sighed defeated. Yamato chuckled at the sight. "They're really fond of you." Asuma looked at him and smiled "I guess you could say that. They are still kids after all."

Soon after Asuma fell sleep while three of his students leaned on him as a pillow, Yamato yawned and laid on the ground crossing his leg over the other, he placed his arm over his eyes and slept too.

Aizawa called in for a snack break for his students. Omi had made them a couple of homemade snacks and some juice to go with it. They walked tiredly to the house but stopped at the sight of the group sleeping under the tree.
"That's kind of sweet to look at." Uraraka said.
"They're so peaceful." Momo said smiling sweetly at the sight.
"We should bring them some snacks too. I bet they'll be hungry after the training. Specially (y/n)." Kirishima said smiling at his classmates.
"Right." Izuku said smiling at Kirishima.
"i highly doubt Aizawa sensei would let us huddle over him and sleep on him." Kaminari said looking at Aizawa. His students looked at him smiling. He walked inside "Don't get your hopes up." They chuckled "classic Aizawa."

I AM HERE WITH YOU! BNHA x Female!NinjaReader Naruto Shippuden!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz