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This is part 2 of the last story.

Laura's P.O.V
It hasn't even been 24 hours since I walked out on Stephen. I haven't stopped crying since I left, a part of me wanted to go back multiple times, but I knew I had to be strong.
When I left I didn't know where I could go at 7 am but I called my sister in law Sydel and she said I could come over, apart from being the sister to my fiancé she was also a very good friend of mine, we would often spend time together when the warriors had an out of town game as her husband also plays for golden state. It was nice to be with somebody who understood the pain of missing their significant other due to crazy traveling schedules. She has been talking with me for hours now, you can tell she's just as lost on this whole situation like I am.
My phone has not stopped going off between texts and calls from Stephen, it all sounds the same with consistent texts saying "please call me" and "I'm so sorry please come home" my heart felt broken no matter how mad I was he is still somebody that I love very much, I have dedicated so many years to making him happy and making sure he was okay to know I am causing him pain doesn't sit right with me.
Though this is his fault I still feel guilty, maybe I'm being dramatic so what he wants to go party he has the right, he works so hard he deserves to let loose.
I started to feel sorry for him maybe it was my lack of sleep or my love for him but I wanted to apologize. Sydel quickly shut that down reminding me I'm not the one to blame here, Stephen messed up and I need to focus on that.
"He is my brother and I love him but he is in the wrong here. He is a married man and he needs to act like it. There is no excuse why he should be out with all these girls he doesn't know and drinking his night away" Sydel said trying to comfort me however she could.
"I just want things to go back to normal when we were happy and everything just made sense" I replied with my mind a blur.
"Nobody said this has to be the end. You guys can get through this it's just a rough patch but you need to fix this before it's too late"
I just shook my head at her not sure what to say anymore.
"Thank you but I should go home" Sydel stood up and took me into a hug.

Stephens P.O.V
She really just left... like everything we had meant nothing. She didn't even look back. I knew I was pushing my limits but I didn't think she was gonna actually leave.
I've called her none stop and haven't gotten an answer. I called some of her friends and they said they haven't seen her. I called Sydel but she didn't pick up after calling everybody I could think of I went to my parents' house I didn't think she would be there but I'm starting to run out of options.
"Stephen I love you baby but how could you be so stupid," my mom said upset with what I've done. My dad sat there looking disappointed with my actions.
"That girl has given you everything she could and more since the day she met you. She sacrificed so much and you go and treat her like she's some kind of gold digger? Are you serious Stephen?" My mom was very upset at this point. I wanted to leave but I knew I deserved everything that was coming my way.
"I didn't mean to hurt her..."
Trying not to make eye contact I could still feel their eyes on me the whole time.
"Well, that doesn't matter. You hurt her and you hurt her bad. You're going to go find her and apologize. You will make this right Wardell Stephen Curry."
You know mama curry is mad when she uses the full name.
"How do you want me to find her! I've called everybody nobody knows where she is and Laura won't pick up the phone!"
"Well, it didn't take much for me to find out she's at your sisters' house."
I looked at her with shock not putting two and two together and know she was with Sydel.
I kissed my mom on the head, grabbed my keys, and ran out of the house hearing my mom yell to be careful.
I got to Sydel and Damien's house and started banging on the door when Damien opened the door you could tell I woke him up.
"Is Laura here?" He looked at me like I was crazy.
"Man I don't know I just got up" I could see Sydel behind him walking towards us.
"She went home to talk to you which now I can see isn't gonna work so well"
Without saying anything I turned around and ran back to my car trying to get home to my baby. I knew I needed to show I was sorry so I stopped at the store and bought 200 roses in multiple bouquets I knew I needed more than flowers for her forgiveness but I was hoping this would help.
I finally got home and ran inside to see Laura standing in the kitchen, she had obviously been crying, her eyes were red and puffy. My heart broke looking into her eyes, she looked so tired and I knew I was to blame. This was the first time in months I have truly looked at my fiancé. Looking at how truly beautiful she is, how could I forget this, she was stunning.
What have you been doing this past couple of months?
"I am so sorry baby and I know I know you don't wanna hear it but please listen to me. I'll change I'll be better I wanna be the man you fell in love with. I'll stop going to the bar I'll listen to you more we will spend more time together you will start coming with me for games we can make this work if you please just give me another chance...baby please don't leave." I held back tears as she Stared back into my eyes, I couldn't really read her facial expression which was making my heart beat even faster.
"Stephen..." she paused shaking her head trying to find her words "I love you"
I smiled as the weight on my chest finally let up. I walked up and hugged her so tight she probably couldn't breathe.
"I'm so sorry for everything I did, I really am. I love you so much"
"I love you too," she said before we kissed.

3rd person P.O.V
Stephen stuck to his word. He hasn't been back to a club since that night, he's happier and everybody can see it. His teammates are grateful as he's become bearable again at practice. Slowly with the help, they got back to the relationship they had before. Their nights are either sitting at home watching movies laughing the night away in each other's arms or going out to dinner with friends and family having a good time. A year later they even tied the knot it was a beautiful wedding and a wonderful honeymoon in bora bora. Even though they didn't enjoy the fight at the time they can't help but thank that night for the new beginning they have now.

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