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"Hey, you feeling okay?" I asked Aya walking down the halls of Davidson college.

"I'm fine I guess I just don't feel a little sick"

"I'm sorry beautiful" I kissed the top of her head and I walked her to her locker so she could finish her last class.

She just smiled and put her head on my shoulder.

"Do you want me to come over and take care of you tonight?"

"No I won't be home" she chuckled.

"Where are you going?"

"To your game? Don't you have a game tonight?"

"Not if you aren't feeling good. There will be more games you should go home and sleep."

"I'm fine I'm thriving don't worry about me"

"You look exhausted... I can skip tonight if you need me?"

"No, you need to be there for your team. Just call me when the games over"

"Is Scott gonna come over tonight?"

"No, he said he doesn't want me to get him sick..."

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity that Aya couldn't see.

"If he's not gonna come take care of you I will"

"No don't worry about me bud you go lead your team to victory and I will not infect our entire school" she smiled.

I looked around to see who was all in the hallway before grabbing Aya's backpack, I put it over my shoulder and grabbed her hand guiding her out the door.

"Where are we going?"

"We are gonna make you feel better"

We went to her favorite restaurant and sat in my car while we ate and joked around, she told me about her classes and home life I couldn't help but just smile as I watched her go on and on about her life.

She looked like she was getting tired fast and I knew it was because she didn't feel good so I took her home and went to her room so she wouldn't be alone while her parents were at work.
We turned on a movie and she cuddled herself up in my arms, it was only minutes before she was snoring lightly.

I played on my phone so I didn't wake her up I had awhile before my game but I would miss it if I had to, I knew she needed somebody and that somebody just so happened to be me.

After roughly two hours Aya started to stir around, I knew she was waking up which was good I guess since I needed to leave for my game since I knew she wasn't gonna let me miss it.

"What time is it?"

"It's only 6"

"You need to go Stephen"

I sighed knowing she was right but moments like this were hard to come by anymore, I never get to spend time with her outside of school with practice and games and studying so I'm grateful for times like this.

I got up and headed out before I even walked out of her room she was falling asleep again, I just smiled and headed to the gym.

I was warming up when I saw Scott walk through the door, he went and sat with a group of people who went to Davidson, I watched him for a while before coach told me to focus.

I checked my phone one last time to make sure Aya was okay.

"I'm fine don't worry about me! Have a great game<3"

I smiled and put my phone back in my bag before the coach walked in to yell at me, he gave his little speech then we all went out to play.

We went out a played hard we ended up winning but I couldn't get my head off of when I looked over at Scott in the third to see him kissing some random chick from the opposing team, my game took a hit after that but we still pulled off a win.

I quickly got dressed I almost made it out of the locker room before coach came in to congratulate me on a good game, I respectfully thanks him before pushing past my teammates so I could get to my car.

I sped off to Aya's house I needed to see her.
I think I got stopped at every red light but I finally pulled into Aya's driveway.
I used my key to unlock her door and ran upstairs.

I was stopped in my tracks when I saw her light on and could hear her talking.
I walked closer to her room and saw her being hugged by Scott.

"And bud I heard you had a good game. Look who got ever his fear of germs" she chuckled pointing at Scott.

I gave her a fake laugh while staring at Scott.

"Yea I think so..."

She sat there smiling.

"It's okay man I was just about to leave" Scott stood up and walked towards me.

"You should keep quiet Curry. Wouldn't want to break her poor little heart would you."
Was all he whispered before leaving.

I watched Aya, she sat there not even knowing her boyfriend of a year was cheating on her every chance he could get while she loved him through it all.
I let her suffer like this... could I?


I thought Of this while writing 36 so that's probably why they are similar lol oops

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