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Adrianas P.O.V

I'm sitting on my bathroom floor with mascara and tears running down my face all thanks to the lovely Stephen Curry. I've been involved with Stephen for a while now, we met at a mutual friend's house party and started texting that night, a couple of days later we met up and it eventually turned into hanging out for 3-4 days out of the week.
I'm not the girl to sleep around and go from relationship to relationship people assume because I'm a model that's how I live my life but that's far from the truth I actually want a relationship somebody to come home to somebody I can trust and love.

I'm used to being the girl that gets cheated and walked on and I want to finally experience something different and then I met Stephen.


"So you don't want me?" Stephen's eyes were soft when he asked.

"That's not what I'm saying. Not even close. I don't want to rush into this and get hurt. I just want to take this slow and enjoy it, do you understand?"

He took me into a hug "I get it."

The memory always makes me smile when I think about how compassionate patient and understanding he is, that's part of the reason I care about him as much as I do.
He managed to come into my life when I needed him most I think it's funny how that always happens... God knew I needed him and he gave him to me.
I got out of a rough relationship I had just moved to California to start fresh and I lost a lot of friends but then he showed up and for a moment made me forget every once of hurt I ever felt.

We have been together for 8 months I'm starting to think he's somebody I can trust and let in, I told him I didn't want to rush anything but here we are practically living together at just 8 months.
He has a way of doing this.

Everything felt amazing till the day I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone and came across top treading posts, I noticed "Stephen Curry and Ayesha Alexander" was trending which instantly made me feel weird inside.
I clicked on it to see what was going on only to find Stephen and Ayesha had gone on a road trip together yesterday... which is weird since he told me he would be busy in meetings all day.
And here it starts...

I saw pictures of them together and my heart burned at what I was reading, I wanted to throw my phone but I knew I couldn't unsee what I looked at.
My whole body hurt I felt like I wanted to throw up and cry all at the same time.

I called Stephen immediately to see what the hell was going on.


"Hey, baby what are you doing?"

"Nothing much just hanging out what's up?"

"Do you want to come over?"

"Uh... I cant today I have too much going on but I can stop by tomorrow?"

"That's fine. Have fun."

"Okay I'll talk to you later, I love you."

"Yep" I hung up before he said anything else.

I can't believe how easy he made lying to me, he did it like it meant nothing.

I texted the only friend I have in California and asked her to come over she just so happens to be the girl who introduced me to Stephen in the first place. Asia.

She came over and didn't quite understand what was wrong but could tell something was wrong. I told her about what I read on Twitter and our phone call and luckily she didn't think I was crazy for being suspicious as she felt it was weird also.

She stayed the night to make sure I was okay which there wasn't much to worry about but she just wanted to make sure.
I woke up to a text from Stephen which I didn't expect and honestly didn't want to talk to.

Stephen Curry imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant