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(Edited version of chapter 2)

I'm currently at oracle arena The golden state warriors just beat the Phoenix Suns by 28 as we were headed out of the arena I couldn't forget how I told my husband -Stephen Curry-how if he won we would celebrate later at home.

I got home before him since we took different cars because he stays later with interviews and changing so when I got home I just sat at the kitchen counter while I waited for him. As soon as Steph walked through the door he had a smirk on his face as he walked up to me and started kissing me, it got heated quick, he picked me up off the barstool at the kitchen counter and carried me to our bedroom, he pushed the door open with his hand which I found impressive as he was still holding me. He went to throw me on the bed and I think Stephen often forgets the difference between us, I am 5'7 and thin not a lot of muscle to me but some vs him who is a 6'3 man who is very muscular and strong. Stephen threw me into the bed and overshot by a bit.

"Oh my gosh, babe are you okay?" Stephen asked
"I've been better," I told him as I laid on the floor in a great amount of pain, it felt like I broke my leg but I didn't know if it was worth mentioning.
"uh, you definitely hurt your leg," Stephen said.
He slowly helped me up I told him I was fine but he insisted that we go to the hospital and get it checked out.
"So uh...was that good for you?" I asked trying to lighten the awkward silence with a joke. He laughed and rolled his eyes.
"How can you still be making jokes right now he," asked me laughing. I just smiled because I honestly didn't know, I was in so much pain.

"So Mrs curry it seems you have dislocated your knee which is why you're in so much pain," the nurse said
"can I ask how this happened." Me and Stephen looked at each other for a couple of seconds before I told her I fell in the kitchen and she nodded her head and left the room as soon as the door closed we both started laughing.
"Not how I remember it but good job, "Stephen told me. I didn't know if that was truly a moment for honesty or not so I went with a simple I fell and hoped she believed it which it looks like she did.

After a lovely 4 hours in the hospital with laughing and horrible jokes to get us through we finally got to go home and to prevent me from bending my leg while it heals I got this beautiful brace, I'm pretty sure Stephen is so jealous of.
"Are you okay?" I asked Stephen has looked so sad since the doctor told me I dislocated my knee.
"I'm so sorry babe," he said.
"For what" I responded.
"Uh thanks to me you're in a cast for 3 weeks," he said looking guilty.
"I'm fine It wasn't your fault" he cut me off saying how he threw me on the bed and yea it's kinda his fault but I'm not gonna mention that.
"I still have two legs I'm fine it's not the end of the world," I told him and he just looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

Our night ended with cuddling in bed watching movies and Stephen constantly asking if I was okay or if I needed anything. As much pain as I was in it was pretty nice being with Stephen like this, I could do without the huge cast and constant pain pills but beggars can't be choosers.
"Did you throw me off the bed so I would have to spend time with you?" I joked.

"You caught me. I thought "how can I get my wife to spend time with me?" Then I thought oh! I'm gonna dislocate her knee. And the rest is history."

We shared a laugh together.

"Well thank you for being honest."

We kissed before we went back to the lovely bed we will be spending our next 3 weeks in.


I didn't have any ideas so I thought I'll try and recreate my first couple of images so welcome to a new writing idea lol

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