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"So know you feel the right to go through my stuff?!" Stephen yelled at Jordan who on the opposite side of the counter.

She sat there in silence, taking in all the words he was ready to spit out at her.
She knew she was in the wrong going through Stephen's phone but there was a little voice in her head saying she needed to, so of course, she did.
She regretted it after not finding anything proving she just caused a fight for no good reason.

"Answer me Jordan!" He said smacking the counter.
"I've done nothing but been faithful all for you to not trust me?"

"I just wanted to see" Jordan mumbled.

"See what? There's nothing to see!"

A single tear had slipped from her eye but Stephen couldn't see because she was staring at the floor, shielding herself from the rage in his eyes.

"I need a break" Stephen threw his hands up in frustration before grabbing his keys and walked out.

Jordan watched the door he had walked out thinking about what she did.
She knew she was partly in the wrong for going through his stuff but at the same time, she would've done it all the same if given the chance, just without getting caught.

Stephen drove off in his new black BMW Driving fast to calm his anger but of course, it didn't work, he was mad, hurt, untrustworthy.
He didn't do anything wrong to make her believe he was hiding something yet she still didn't trust him, why?

He drove to the nearest bar, luckily for him it was almost always empty it almost made him wonder how it was still open.
He turned off his car and angrily walked inside.
Just like usual, the bar was empty, only the bar owner who was also the bartender was there.


Stephen just nodded sitting down.

"Judging from your state you want something strong?"


The man handed Stephen a glass and he gulped it quickly.

"What's her name?" The bartender smirked.

"I'm sorry?"

"Well from the looks of it you and your girlfriend possibly wife are fighting right now"

"Smart man. Yes, we are."

"This is where the broken men come" he chuckled.
"So what did she do?"

"How did you know it was her?"

"Because you left. If you messed up she would be sitting in front of me right now cursing you out"

"You're very wise." Stephen smiled.

"Well thank you. I've been married for 15 years I had time to learn."

The man pointed to the wall full of pictures.

"Isn't she beautiful?"

"Yes sir she is"

"She is the most amazing woman I've ever met... 17 years ago I walked into this bar, I laid my eyes on that angel. And I miss her like crazy"

Stephen raised a brow in confusion about what he meant.

"She passed 3 years ago..."

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"Yea... cancer. It ruins everything.
I miss her every day, but that doesn't distract me from being grateful for the time I had with her.
She gave me two amazing little boys..."

Stephen sat staring at the pictures of his family, one for every event.

"I was in your shoes a lot. We fought sometimes, I was usually in the wrong"
He chuckled.
"She did it all. She played any instrument he could, she taught our children everything they know, she is the most amazing cook.
She always knew what to say and when.
She was good at being there for our boys whenever they needed.
And she never left my side"

They both stared at the picture, the one that most stood out was what appeared to be a wedding photo, the woman was in all white and had the most infectious smile.

"I wish I could go back in time... we would've never fought, I wouldn't have worked so much... I would've appreciated her a little more"

The man's attention stayed on the picture but Stephen's gaze refocused to look at the man, to really take in what he was saying.

"So what did your girl do?"

Stephen sighed.
"She went through my phone while I was sleeping..."

"And you're mad at her?"

"Of course. She didn't trust me."

The man looked at Stephen for a moment.

"Is she a good woman? Does she take care of you?"

"Yes she does" he guiltily admitted.

"Does she make you feel secure?"

"All the time?"

"So she takes care of you. Makes sure your needs are always met.
She makes you feel secure... and you're mad because you couldn't fill that need for her?"

"I guess you are right..."

"And that kills you to admit right?" He chuckled.

"She's trying to help you. She made a mistake, she just approached it the wrong way. And I can bet you she's at home regretting it eight now"

Stephen understood what he was saying, he threw a hundred dollar bill on the table and walked out to his car.
He drove faster home then he did to the bar.

Once he walked in the door he saw Jordan sitting on the couch with the sound of light sniffles.


She turned her head to show her red eyes and puffy face.

Stephen walked over and sat down next to her putting his arm around her.

"I'm sorry for not making you secure. I'm sorry I haven't been putting in the same effort you have. sometimes it's hard for me to understand that you're teaching me to be a better man"

Jordan put her head down on his shoulder trying to hide her tears even though it was already obvious.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you"

"This is all me baby. You have been perfect. I'm sorry."

They stayed on the couch with Stephen Holding her in his arms while her sniffles subsided.

Stephen couldn't help but think about that bar, he thanked God for that man.

Jordan was just thankful for him walking through that door again...


I didn't know how to end it lol...

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