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Stephens P.O.V
It's currently 1 AM and I'm laying on my girlfriend's couch celebrating with her. I just decided I'm gonna go to Davidson college and we are both pretty excited. We are talking about future plans now that things are getting real and I'm officially going, we've been dreaming about college for years and now it's happening.
"When I get out of college, I'll get drafted and we will get married and after a couple of years we will have stinky little kids running around."
She smiled in my arms "you really got this all figured out don't you?"
"Well, yea it's only been my dream since I met you. We are in this forever baby, it's gonna be me and you till the end."
"That sounds good to me until you get in the NBA and start messing around with models because you're Mr big shot" she laughed but I wasn't entirely sure if she was joking.
"What no. I got all I need right here. I love you okay? There won't be some new girl."
After a while of talking, I headed home so I could go to sleep.

[a couple of weeks later]
I just got back from maddilyns house, when I walked into the door my parents were sitting next to each other and you could tell by the way they looked we were about to talk.
"Stephen could you sit down please."
Saw that coming.
I sat down ready to hear about either how I don't clean up my laundry or I need to remember my homework.
"We have come to the difficult solution that with you going to college and trying to get into the NBA you need to focus. You're gonna have school work and practice and games going on soon and we think you need to let some things go..."
"I can finally stop doing homework?" It was a far stretch but I was hopeful.
"Not quite" I've never seen this look I was getting ever before.
"Well, I already stopped hanging out with my friends so much. I can't stop practice and I can't drop classes so I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I have enough time, I'm handling it all fine"
"Stephen we've decided you're gonna break up with Madelyn..."
"You decided??" I stood up getting louder.
"You can't decide that. She's my girlfriend!"
"Stephen you need to calm down. It's for the best."
"You can't be serious right now? I'll quit basketball before I break up with her."
"Stephen enough!" My mom said
"You're our son and you're living in our house and we are paying for your school. It was not easy but we made the decision! You need to focus and this has to be done."
I laughed because what I was hearing was ridiculous.
"I can't- I can't even believe what I'm hearing right now." I walked away as they yelled my name for me to come back.
I sat on my bed with my head in my hands. I can't go through with this, I could never.
My mom walked into my room approaching me as nothing happened.
"You know we are doing this because we love you."
"Yeah well, it sure doesn't feel like it." I wasn't usually disrespect but I can't even control myself right now.
"You can go over and see her tomorrow. But that will be the last time." I shook my head as tears slipped down my face.
"I can't believe this..."
I couldn't sleep that night I was up crying until about 5 am and up again by 7, I felt sick.
I got dressed as slow as possible hoping I could put this off but unfortunately I couldn't.
After the worst drive of my life I pulled into her driveway I could tell by the lack of cars her parents weren't home. I knocked on the door praying she wasn't home. Unfortunately, it was not the case as I heard footsteps and groaned knowing this was real.
"Hey, bab- were you crying?" Her eyes softened
"Uh, yea it's nothing. Can we talk?"
"Uh, yeah sure come in." She opened the door wider and stepped to the side. Looking at me as I walked past.
We sat on the couch, she looked worried. I looked broken. It was quite the pair.
"Okay you're scaring me, babe, what's wrong"
I shook my head. I just can't do this.
"Just know I don't want to do this..." I said holding her hands, she slowly took her hands back as she looked into my eyes.
"Okay, what happened?"
"With going to college and meeting new people... I can't... we can't, keep doing this..."
"I don't think I entirely know what you mean?"
"I'm breaking up with you." I had to get it out quickly and the second I did my heart burned.
She slowly nodded her head and put her hand on the back of her neck. You could tell she was looking for words but couldn't quite find the right ones...
"It's just so much is gonna change and we both so young and-"
"Don't even try...so let me just ask this, what happened a couple of weeks ago? What happened to the man who wanted to get married and have kids?"
"I didn't know what I wanted then." I couldn't tell her the truth it would kill her... right?
"You didn't know! What about the years you've been planning! Huh, what about nothings gonna change!? What about me and you till the end?! What about us?" She was yelling at this point, I couldn't even look her in the eyes.
I heard the pain I didn't need to see it.
"Baby I didn't mean-"
"Don't baby me... you are so worthless"
I stood up to comfort her as she was a crying mess at this point.
"Don't touch me" I deserved that.
"I thought that we had forever in our hands... I guess that makes me pretty stupid for that though... I'll give it to you though you were convincing, had me fooled. Out here looking like an idiot."
"Please don't blame yourself for this."
She shook her head, she was probably just as disappointed in me as I was.
She sat down on the couch with her face covered in tears.
"So you never meant any of it? The I love you crap... you never meant to stay did you?"
I didn't want to lie to her but I knew what I had to do...
"Nope," I said numbly it sounded like I was swallowing sandpaper.
And then I had to walk away from the love of my life and make it look like it didn't kill me with every step I took... and that was the end.

Stephen Curry imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now