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Stephens P.O.V

"It's all for you baby" I smiled at Leah as she admired the set up I had for her. There were bouquets of flowers throughout the room with candles laid on the floor and heart-shaped balloons all over the place.
"Stephen this is amazing," she said in awe "you're so incredible." I wrapped my arms around her from the back and kissed her neck.
"And it was all worth it baby. I want to show you how much I care about you. And I got one more surprise for you beautiful"
"No baby you've already done more than enough" Leah tried to stop me but failed.
"Just trust me you're gonna like this I know it" I pulled out the diamond bracelet I had for her.
"It's beautiful thank you so much" she kissed me after I put the bracelet on her wrist...

That was for her 19th birthday I was just a 20-year-old rookie living in California trying to make my dream come true. Crazy to think about now...

"Come on baby just a little farther" I guided my girlfriend through the park.
"I don't want to sound ungrateful for you but I will admit walking blindfolded isn't the easiest thing."
I probably could've waited till we got a little closer to put the blindfold on her but it was fun watching her try to walk somewhere she has never been with a blindfold on.
"Okay stop. wait right here" I told her taking her blindfold off.
"This is it baby" she smiled admiring the view of flowers surrounding the water.
"I could not think of a better place to bring you," I told her standing behind her as she looked at the beautiful scene in front of her.
"To make a story that we will tell for years."
She was caught off guard as she turned around trying to figure out what I meant.
"What ar- oh my gosh"
I was now in front of her down on one knee.
"Baby meeting you was the best day of my life and I can't picture my life without you in it growing old and having a family. Will you marry me?" She put her hands over her mouth and shook her head yes as she started crying. She put her hands on my face and kissed me. Now that is a feeling you will never forget.

Kinda like the day, I married my best friend
Looking at her as she walked down the aisle in the most beautiful dress looking like an angel. At that moment looking in her eyes I could see everything I could ever want I saw the messy little kids running around our house and the dog chasing them while we laughed as I held her leaning against the kitchen counter. I could see walking in the house way too late at night because I had an away game but she waited for me no matter how tired she was because she didn't want to sleep another night without me. I could see making breakfast with her in our pajamas even though it's 12 o clock and we just got out of bed because we stayed up too late watching movies and laughing till our ribs hurt. I could see her laughing with my family on Easter as we are all together for once. I could see every fight about how I leave my dirty clothes on the floor and I know I do but I love how she looks when she's mad. Waking up at 5 AM because our kids ran into our room screaming because Santa finally came. I can see every birthday where we spoil each other just because we can. I saw the rest of my life and I fell in love all over again.
That was one of the best days of my life. Dancing with her at our reception it felt like time stood still. Our honeymoon felt just as amazing as I got to wake up next to the most beautiful woman on the planet as she was sleeping peacefully from our very long night before. That little smile she had when I kissed her cheek in her sleep, I died for.

I walked in the door after a 12-day road trip I expected my wife to be asleep by now as it was 4 am. I dropped my bag at the door but a light in the house caught my attention, I walked towards the room.
"Baby what are you doing?" I turned my head trying to understand this woman.
"Well, I didn't think I could stay awake just sitting on the couch waiting for you so..."
"I'm making pancakes!" she said excitedly
"I am so in love with you" I smiled at her before I kissed her. I missed this so much.
I love my job don't get me wrong but I love my wife even more. And moments like this are priceless.

"Baby I'm home where are you" I yelled through the house but could hear anything. I walked up the stairs thinking she was asleep as she's been tired these past couple days.
"Wow wow, what happened? What's wrong?" I quickly ran to her side as she was crying in the bathroom. I lifted her head up to look me in the eyes.
"Hey look at me. Tell me what's wrong baby?"
"Uh don't be mad?" She put her pinky up because she still promised like a child.
"I promise. What happened"
"Well you know how we were gonna wait at least a year to get married after we got engaged, and then we were gonna wait four years to have a baby?" She choked out trying to stop crying. I shook my head trying to understand where this is going.
"Well that's not gonna work" she held up her hand with a white stick in it "we're gonna have a baby"
I don't think I've ever hugged her quicker than at that moment. We were excited about our new addition. Scared but excited.

"Well, Mr and Mrs curry I have the gender in this envelope that I understand is going to your sister?" I shook his head yes eager to find out what we are having.
"While we are all finished up here. Congratulations you two we will see you in four weeks" the doctor smiled as we walked out of her office.
After a long 4 hours of waiting, we were at home with both our family's. Sydel had a balloon filled with confetti taunting us all day with what color is in there.
Leah made an amazing dinner for us all but it was too hard to focus on that as we all had bigger things on our mind. But the waiting was worth it when we popped the balloon to find out we are having a little girl. I kissed Leah I wanted a boy but I was just as excited to have a little baby girl with the love of my life. Our family congratulated us we finished the night celebrating the news.

Nothing scared me as much as watching my wife in fear as she looked at me scared that her water broke at just 34 weeks. We worried about if our baby was healthy if she would be okay, so many things went through our minds. We rushed to the emergency room, Leah tried to hide it from me but I could tell she was scared. We were in the emergency room for about half an hour before my mom came walking in.
"How are you guys? How's the baby? What do you know?" She shot a bunch of questions out at us in such a short time. She went over and hugged Leah carefully of her baby bump, then came over to hug me.
"Well her water broke and she is 4 centimeters dilated, so today is the day we are having a baby I guess," I said trying to process things still.
"But on the bright side baby's all good she will be small but the doctor said she is healthy and we should be fine," Leah added
After 48 hours of a whole lot of waiting and praying and crying.
We heard our baby girl's voice for the first time as the nurse placed her on Leah's chest. She was beautiful just like her mama. I couldn't stop crying as I watched Leah hold her to her chest. You could see she would handle this mom thing just fine.
"You did amazing baby" I kissed Leah's head.
"She's so tiny look at her"
"I know baby she's so small"

I stared through the glass of the NICU just watching my little girl as my dad came up behind me with my brother and put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm proud of you son"
I smiled not taking my eyes off on her.
"That's her? She's so small man. She got a name yet?" My brother asked.
I felt like I was showing off a little trophy with her.
"Riley Brielle Curry," I said proudly.
I stood there smiling for a while.

After two weeks in the hospital, I finally got to bring my little family home. Sure the first night was long but waking up to my wife holding our baby peacefully with her hair a mess looking adorable made everything worth it.

I couldn't get these moments out of my head they kept replaying and replaying. These perfect moments they made up my whole life I was smiling while thinking of it all. Unfortunately, my smile faded when I remembered why I had so much time to think. As I looked up at her hospital bed my heart broke to look at my wife laying there.
It's been 8 days since she was on her way home to me and Riley when she got hit by a drunk driver, she hasn't woken up since. And that is another moment I'll never forget...that phone call echos through my head.

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