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I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant with mine and Stephens's first child. Things have been kinda rough with morning sickness but besides that, it's been pretty good we haven't told many people yet because we are still processing everything ourselves.

Last week we had Stephens parents over to tell them the exciting news, I called my parents a couple of weeks ago but it's hard to share these big moments because they live in a different state so things like this are kinda rough but we try and make the most of it. today was off to a slow start because we got home late, we were at Stephens parents sharing the news with Stephens siblings Seth and Sydel and their spouses. The whole family is pretty excited about this new addition to the curry family. We stayed late playing games and talking we didn't get home till about midnight but it was worth it because we had so much fun just being with family which doesn't happen often with everybody's different schedules.

Unfortunately for Steph he had practice this morning so he couldn't lay in bed all morning as I could, he kissed me goodbye before he left and I unintentionally fell back to sleep.

I woke up with horrible stomach pains and immediately ran to the bathroom to throw up, it was nothing new I've had morning sickness through my whole pregnancy but you never really get used to it. I felt gross so I took a shower and couldn't even finish it without getting sick. I felt so light-headed no matter what I did. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat hoping I was just hungry.

after eating I got to do the whole routine again and felt horrible I laid in bed again waiting for Stephen to get home so we could lay in bed all day, he always makes me feel better so I'm hoping he will be able to work that magic today.

I could hear Stephen walk inside as I heard his keys hit the counter he walked into our master bedroom to come and kiss me.

"I mean this with nothing but absolute love, but you don't look too good," he said looking a little concerned.

"Thank you that's what I was aiming for today," I told him.

he laughed and rolled his eyes then went to go take a shower. I really really wish my body would've let him finish his shower before I had to throw up again...

"Babe are you good?" he asked sounding worried.

"thriving," I said sarcastically in between my unfortunate activities. He got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist before coming over and rubbing my back.
Finally, I was done and went back to bed everything hurt so bad and I was uncomfortable no matter how I was laying. Stephen noticed and tried to get more pillows and blankets and was doing everything he could to make this better, He's so adorable.
After about an hour of trying to get comfortable, I finally fell asleep, I was asleep for a couple of hours before I woke up with horrible cramps I couldn't even talk through them, Stephen was sleeping next to me, I grabbed his arm to shake him trying to wake him up.

"what do you need beautiful?" he asked As he sat up.
I shook my head everything hurt so bad I couldn't think straight.
"Okay okay just breathe," he said, not sure what to do.

I felt something run down my leg and instantly close my eyes in fear. I looked down and saw blood everywhere I started crying.

"yea we are gonna go to the hospital," Stephen said getting me up trying to stay calm so he didn't freak me out which didn't work too well because I was already freaking out.
After what felt like forever we got to the hospital.

After an hour the doctor came in you could tell from the look on his face what he was gonna say. And even knowing what he was gonna say it still hurt just as bad hearing it.

How do you not fall apart when you're told your baby just died?... The child you had been so excited to meet. The beginning of a new chapter. Gone. In a matter of seconds.

We cried a lot and we prayed a lot.
It hurt but we got through it, together, slowly.

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