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I walked through the garage door that led into the kitchen when I saw balloons everywhere with flowers and candles.

I got closer to the counter to see a little onesie that said "daddy's first Father's Day" on it surrounded by a couple of pacifiers and other little baby things.

"Ha yea surprise" I heard tori behind me.

I quickly turned around feeling like the biggest jerk in the world.

"Baby I'm so sorry"

She slightly shook her head as she went to our bedroom and closed the door...
I messed this up.

Stephens P.O.V
I feel like the worst husband in the world right now, what kind of man yells at his girl like that this is by far my lowest point in my marriage.
I knocked on the door for over an hour and the only reply's I got were "leave me alone" and "I don't wanna talk to you" with a few sniffles from her crying here and there.
I sat on the floor with my back against the wall I waited a little longer before I accepted my fate and went to get comfortable on the couch.

After waking up with pain and soreness all over my body from a very rough night on the couch I sat up and stretched only to look over and see our bedroom door still closed.
I grabbed my phone to respond to a couple texts while I waited for her to come out, she can't stay in there forever... can she?
They were mostly texts from family asking what was up last night which was expected, it was awkward for everybody who witnessed it.
I don't even know how to word I was being a jerk and jumping to conclusions and now my wife's mad at me because I ruined her surprise to tell me she's pregnant... hey well look at that I guess I do know how to word it.

I got up and walked over to try and convince her to open the door again with hope of better luck.
After a one try she surprisingly opened the door which I didn't expect for at least a couple more minutes.

"Can we talk?"

"Why so you can yell at me again?"

Tori is incredibly intelligent she is an amazing woman everything a man could ask for but one thing she definitely is, is fragile.
She can't handle yelling or fighting she completely shuts down and I've always tried to avoid yelling at all costs no matter what we are arguing about and I've so far succeeded until last night.

"I'm sorry can we please just talk?"

"What do you want to talk about?"

I grabbed her hand and guided her to the couch that has now brought to my attention needs to be replaced, I pulled her into my lap after sitting down.

"Everything. How long have you known? How do you feel? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I found out Thursday and thought what better day to tell you then on Father's Day and I knew I couldn't be two places at once so I had Rachel come here and set up while we were at your parents"

After hearing her I knew there was no way I could come out of this and justify my behavior.
She was hurt and it showed, I needed to swallow my pride and be a man.

"Baby I'm sorry for yelling at you but you have to understand where I was coming from.
Hiding your texts and calls, leaving the room whenever you took a phone call, not letting me see you phone, you wouldn't even open up to me. I had a right to be suspicious."

"You had the right to be suspicious but where did the right to yell at me come in? I told you we could talk about it later and that just wasn't good enough."

"I know but I didn't know how to react."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on me and sat there in silence for a moment.

I closed my eyes and soaked up the silence with her while I had her in my arms.

"I'm gonna be a dad..." I whispered in her ear

She leaned away with the biggest smile on her face.

"Yes you are"

Through the yelling and fighting and this horrible couch I didn't even take a second to process I'm gonna be a dad, we are gonna be parents, we are gonna have our own little family.

Everything we've ever wanted.

Sorry this was so short and very late I had written the whole thing and then it didn't save so I had to write it twice and I was very frustrated lol
Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed it!

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