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I'm at home right now taking a pregnancy test, Stephen is currently out of town on a road trip he's been gone for three days and is coming back tomorrow I wanted to do this now I was terrified but I felt like I couldn't wait. I put the test on the counter and then put a towel over it, I went to the living room and waited, it said to wait for three to five minutes but it had been thirty minutes and I still couldn't get myself to go look.
The next morning I woke up on the couch I never found the strength to go look at the test but I had to soon because Steph had already landed so he was gonna be home within the next forty-five minutes, I ran upstairs to our bedroom to look at the test and I immediately started began to cry, I wasn't ready for a baby, yeah I'm married to the love of my life, I had a house and car it's not like we aren't financially stable, we are it's just Stephen is always on the road for games. I'm gonna be raising a baby I'm my own 7 months of the year and that's if they don't make playoffs which are even more involved. He's always at the gym or practices this just isn't ideal right now. I couldn't stop crying I couldn't think straight I never even heard Steph get home.
"Baby, what's wrong, what happened?" Steph asked I couldn't even get words out I was crying too hard he quickly pulled me into his embrace. He tried to comfort me however he could but you could tell he was definitely confused as of to what was going on.
"Okay, baby got to tell me what is wrong, " he said holding my face. I told him I'm fine and he looked at me like I was crazy. I realized when my husband comes home to me crying my eyes out in our bathroom unable to catch my breath I can't really pull off a convincing     "I'm fine" which is unfortunate because I really didn't want to talk about it. After a couple of minutes of nonstop crying, he asked me what was wrong again.
I looked at him straight in the eyes and told him I was pregnant and then quickly buried my head back into his chest.
"baby that's great news, why are you upset?" he said. I wouldn't say anything so he picked me up off the counter carried me to our bed and we laid there for a while. After I had calmed down I explained my fears and uncertainties about the whole thing and he was a little hurt that I thought I'd be doing this on my own.
"I'm going to be gone sometimes but I'll still be here taking care of you and this baby" he explained "ill change up my schedule a little bit, we will work this out, I'll work from home sometimes, you can come with me. Everything gonna is gonna be okay." he said as he hugged me. I gave him a little smile while laying on his chest. I still had some fears with everything but Stephen really helped to reassure me that we got this. I fell asleep on top of him slightly before he fell asleep, maybe this wasn't such a bad thing.

Stephen Curry imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon