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"This seems too "high school romance movie" don't you think?" Celeb joked while Stephen put his jacket over Emma.

"I can't give her my jacket because she's cold?" Stephen asked.

"No, she's the nerd" Stephen and Emma both quickly turned their heads in his direction, Stephen looking quite upset.
"That's not what I meant!" Celeb defended himself.
"I'm saying you as an athlete couldn't go for somebody like Emma"

"You are just being a jerk now man"
Emma looked at Stephen agreeing without actually speaking up.

"You know what I mean don't be like that. Emma is in the nerd section, you need to be moving higher up in school"

"You should probably go man..." another guy spoke up but Emma didn't recognize him but she knew he was definitely an athlete.

"You can't kick me out of a football game man"

"No, but I can tell you to stop being an ass hole"

Celeb looked at Stephen waiting for him to defend his friend but he did not get it in the slightest.

"I think he's right man. You crossed a line"

He rolled his eyes with a scuff before grabbing his stuff and walking off.

Emma felt Stephens arm wrap around her shoulders before Stephen laid his head on hers. "I'm sorry about that"

"It's okay..." she barely whispered.

"No it's not he's just being an ass and you don't deserve that. You're not a nerd."

Emma just stared at Stephen while he spoke, she was really shy so talking around all of these people, especially of their popularity, just wasn't something Emma was interested in doing.

Stephen went back to watching the football game while Emma took a second to stare at Stephen really taking in his features before going back to the game.

After the game Stephen-like after every game-walked Emma home, holding her hand while they talked the whole way.
She lived down the road from Stephen and their neighborhood wasn't that far from their school so walking to school for games and things weren't unusual for them.

While walking a car pulled up next to them and it was no other than Alex. The absolute last person Emma wanted to see.
She was amazing, long straight blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs, she looked like every typical "dream girl" and on top of that, she was captain of the cheer team... just great.

"Hey, Steph!" You could hear her high pitched voice from a mile away.

"What's up Alex"

"We are going to party with the football team are you coming!?"

Stephen gave a slight smile before responding.

"Nah not tonight"

"Aw that's too bad" she gave a pouty face "maybe next time?" She winked.

He chuckled "yea maybe"

She drove away soon after leaving Emma feeling very awkward.
She took her hand out of his and put Both hands in her pockets and played it off like she was just getting cold.

The rest of their walk was almost completely silent, Stephen asked a hand full of questions but got very short answers.

They walked up Emma's driveway and Stephen waited at the bottom of her stairs until she got her door open.
Once she unlocked and opened the door she turned around to let Stephen know he could head home, he smiled at her and nodded before turning around to start his journey.

Stephen Curry imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now