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Aaliyah P.O.V                 ( shes one in a million)

"I hate you so much!" I screamed at my ex-boyfriend.
You never realize even when you break up with someone you still keep the same friends which is very unfortunate.
What was supposed to be a nice time celebrating my friend's engagement at a bar turned into a nightmare when my ex-boyfriend walked in not even ten minutes after me.

It felt like the whole world stopped when I looked at the door to see the 6,3 light skinned basketball player walk in.
My friend turned to me as soon as she saw him trying to do damage control before it even happened. I just shook my head and took my focus back to the happy couple, something I never related to. I could hear some of the guys talking and greeting Stephen as he walked in, I tried to ignore it but it was very difficult.

I closed my eyes as I felt a hand on my shoulder, he leaned closer to my ear
"How have you been beautiful?" He always had a way of making a girl feel special, which was a help in our breakup. He didn't hesitate to use his charm on any girl he wanted.
"Great until this moment" I made sure to add extra attitude just for him.
"Ooh still snappy, just how I like it." You could hear his smirk as he sat down next to me.
He put his arm around the back of my chair as he leaned to the side closest to me before he started talking to the people on the other side of him.
I felt my phone in my back pocket, I pulled it out without showing how uncomfortable I was with this whole situation. It was from Olivia who just so happened to be sitting across from me.
"Are you guys back together?." I looked up at her and slightly shook my head looking over at Stephen who was carrying on like we never broke up.
This had gone on for almost two hours when I finally got the courage to stand up, I said my goodbyes to all my friends and went up to Alissa and her new fiancé, I congratulated them on their engagement before leaving.
as I was walking out I felt a hand on my wrist pulling me back I knew it was Stephen because he's the only person here who gets joy out of annoying me.
"Come on baby you weren't gonna leave without me were you?" I looked down and took a deep breath before turning to look at him.
"Let go of me," I said sternly.
"No not until we talk about this...us." He said looking desperate.
I shook my head "we are not doing this here."
"Okay fine let's go outside" he grabbed my hand guiding me to the exit, I sighed as he was clearly not giving up.

As we stood a couple of feet from the exit I had my back to the building wall as he was obviously going through something, you could see it in his eyes.
"I'm sorry for being a jerk I messed up too many times and I just assumed that you would stay and I was wrong, so so wrong. I know it's gonna take a while to prove to you I'm sorry but I also know I'm not gonna stop trying."

He talked fast like he had somewhere to be, you could tell he was nervous the way he wouldn't stand still and his voice was shaky.

"I tried so hard to love you through so much and no matter what I did you showed me time and time again you didn't care...
I can't keep putting myself in these positions where I have to lie for you and defend you when I know you wouldn't do the same for me.
I can't go back to that life..."

he looked sad as he never broke eye contact.
We stood in a moment of silence as he tried to find his words.

"I understand that but I'm not the same man you fell in love with before... If you give me a chance I can show you that." He reaches his hands out for mine.

"Stephen.. no." I wanted to say yes I wanted him to prove me wrong, I wanted to see a better him I really did but I couldn't let him know that... I didn't want to get hurt again.

He slowly ran his hand down my side going to my butt before I grabbed his hand to stop him
"I hate you so much!" I screamed in frustration
"No you don't, come on just give me another chance."

Trapped in my thoughts I didn't even notice what was happening around me, it wasn't until I felt his hands on my face I knew what was happening.
And just like that, I felt what I didn't know I missed so much, the feeling of kissing him...

——                                          (The next morning)

"Dang baby my clothes look better on you then they do me" Stephen chuckled rubbing his hands down my sides as I leaned against the counter.
I smiled as I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist before he leaned in to kiss me.
As we stood in each other embrace for a moment Stephen broke the comfortable silence.
"I'm never gonna leave you again."

Stephen Curry imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora