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"I'm so excited! This feels like a movie!!"
Bella's best friend Chloe said while she sat on her bed.

"I'm just going to see him why are you freaking out?" She laughed.

"Because you're the princess and he is the prince and you are finally reuniting and it's like a fairytale"

"I'm gonna go surprise him after his game it's not like a fairytale at all. Unless you watch very boring movies"

Bella was dating the famous Stephen Curry, they've been together since high school but when Stephen moved to Oakland two years ago Bella stayed in Charlotte.
She wanted to go with him she did but she decided to put her school first and get her degree before she made a big life change like that.

She hasn't seen Stephen in months and Stephen believed it would be a few more months before they could see each other due to both their busy schedules but Bella wanted to see him sooner so she cleared her schedule for a couple of days and planned a flight to see him.

She pulled out more clothes unsure of what to take, she would be attending two Warriors games while in town so she wanted to be prepared.
She had a couple of dresses and also packed some casual clothes for just hanging around.

She grabbed her oversized #30 jersey that looked like a dress on her, she paired it with thigh-high boots and an oversized jean jacket.
She packed some other things before closing her suitcase and taking it off her bed.

She laid down next to Chloe while texting Stephen.
He told her he didn't have plans tomorrow and he would just be by himself all day, she silently celebrating as her plan fell in place.

She did her best to not give away the surprise though it was hard but she managed to keep her story straight.

She told him she missed him and couldn't wait for the day they would get to see each other again, he said the same before they said their "I love you's" and "goodnight".
Once they did Bella put her phone down and couldn't wipe the smile off her face, it had been too long since she has looked into his beautiful eyes in person, she wanted to feel that spark again.

She felt sleep couldn't consume her fast enough, but after over an hour she finally fell asleep and grew closer and closer to seeing him.
She woke up early so she could make it to the airport on time, luckily she had an amazing friend like Chloe who dropped her off, Chloe was just as excited for Bella knowing how much her heart needed to see him.

She gave her a smile before driving off and leaving Bella for the next part of her adventure.

Bella texted Stephen good morning while she waited for her flight, she didn't get a response and automatically knew he was sleeping since he didn't have practice today.

She checked her phone one last time before boarding her flight, it felt like the longest flight ever before she finally landed in Oakland.
She smiled the whole way through the airport, finally being in the same state as Stephen felt unbelievably good.

She waited for her bags before getting an Uber and going straight to Stephen's house.
She had a little mirror in her purse that she used to check her makeup and straighten her hair so she knew she looked decent for him.
She nodded in approval before closing it and putting it back in her bag.

She watched as she passed all the big houses getting closer and closer to Stephens.
They pulled in the driveway and she wasted no time getting out.
She first thanked the driver and then grabbed her stuff and went straight for the door.
She knocked a couple of times with no answer she she grabbed the key under the mat.

It wasn't unbelievable that Stephen was still sleeping but come on it was 1 pm he should've been awake already.

She unlocked the door and walked in, she quietly placed her things next to the door and went upstairs to Stephens room to wake him up.

She wasn't all the way to his room before discovering he was already awake... and not alone either.

The loud moans of another girl were quite evident.
She walked up to his door not saying a word, she was absolutely speechless.

Stephen turned his head after seeing her out of the corner of his eye.
"Oh my gosh! Bella?"

He quickly pushed the girl away from him and tried to grab clothes around him to cover himself.

"What are you doing here?"

Bella still couldn't speak as she stared at the girl laying naked with nothing but a sheet covering her in her boyfriend's bed.

"Better question what is she doing here?"
Bella asked.

"I can explain all of this if you just give me a minute please"

"That's the last thing I want..."

The girl quickly threw on some clothes and ran out of the room lightly bumping Bella's shoulder on her way out.
Bella didn't flinch even a little, she didn't break eye contact with Stephen, not even for a moment.

"Just let me explain..."

"Make it quick."

Stephen sat down on his bed while Bella leaned against his dresser trying her hardest to not let a tear slip from her eye.

"That whole thing was nothing, I don't even know that girl baby"

"You think that makes me feel better? That only makes it worse..."

"it was a weak moment my love I swear"

"That's not a weak moment Stephen that's cheating!"

"It was hardly anything, I don't even want to remember it!"

"And yet you're still wearing the condom while explaining it to me"

He sighed and looked down in shame, almost like a dog... but worse.

"Who is she?"

"I don't know..."

"Don't lie to me"

"I met her at a game..."

"How long has this been going on"

"Not long. Just a little bit but it's been eating me alive"

"I'm gonna ask you a question and I want a number and none of this beating around the bush shit.
How many times Stephen?"

"I don't know... a couple of nights a week for like eight months..."

"Eight months!?"

"Baby I'm sorry!"

The painful laugh that came from Bella's mouth was a mix of hurt and terror...
Any other woman could tell that laugh was the sound of a girl's heartbreaking into pieces.
And a man heard the confirmation letting him know he ruined the best thing to ever happen to him.

"You're a great guy... truly."

Stephen raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Stephen Curry is the man every parent wants their little girl to marry. Every girl wants him to be the father to their children... he's perfect... but whoever this guy is"

She pointed up and down at him.

"Is a nightmare. A man who lives for the world. A man who lets money and fame control his loyalty..."

"I hope you have a great life I really do. But when you look around at your empty house and realize how alone and miserable you are, because surprise, these Instagram thots are here for a check and spotlight... don't text me don't call me... don't even think about it. You ruined this"

Bella walked out of that door holding her head up and shedding no tears.

He wasn't worth it.

He never would be.

But it would be a lie to say a piece of her didn't die that day...

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