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Addison sat on the couch staring at the black tv screen in silence the only noise heard was Stephens ringtone from the dozens of texts he has been sending since early this morning.

"My flight got delayed and I know that's something you could care less about right now"

"And I know you've probably seen the new story about me... it's everywhere"

"Please don't believe them... I swear I didn't hook up with her..."

"She came up to me! She asked me to buy her a drink and I said no"

"You can ask anybody that was there baby!"

"Ask Chris and Bryan I swear!"

"Please believe me..."


"I don't even think I can go home after this" Stephen confided I'm Chris.

"If you don't it's just gonna get worse"

"I already ruined everything there's no point now... I might as well let her pack in peace"
Stephen sat at the airport bar drink after drink.
He didn't want to go home and he knew deep down Addison didn't want him home either, he has done enough damage he just wanted to leave her be for a little while.

"I'm not gonna feel sorry for you. Get up and go talk to your girl"

Stephen eventually picked himself up off the barstool and dragged himself out of the airport.
He texted Addison on his way home but got no reply just like he expected.

When he walked through the door the cold was the first to meet him, it was quiet which was very unusual since Addison always had music blasting through the house or was watching tv.
He continued to walk through the hallway unsure if she was even still home.

He walked into their bedroom and put his suitcase on the floor since Addison already had one laying out on their bed, she walked out of their closet and into the bedroom without saying a single word.
It was obvious she had been crying from her red puffy eyes, she barely looked at Stephen before going and grabbing more clothes.

"Can we please talk before you go?"

Addison let out a painful chuckle "the last thing I want to do is talk to you..."

"I didn't do anything..."

"You said you needed time..."

"I thought we did, I wanted to fix things before we got to the point of no return baby I just wanted us to be okay..."

"This is all too much for me... I really thought I could deal with this but I can't"

"Addison you can! We've dealt with this so many times baby we can get through it"

"That's the thing, it didn't just happen once."

"We agreed when I came home we would work things out. Please."

"No we agreed we would figure out what we were gonna do when you got home... and you're right I think it's best if we split up"

"You can't be serious about this"

"I am... I've come to realize this life just isn't for me. I love you Stephen I really do but too much is happening and so fast"

"You can't say you love me and then just walk out Addison that's not how this works"

"It's over," she said zipping her suitcase "find somebody who can handle this lifestyle better than me... you deserve it."


Sorry it was short but at least it's out😬...right?

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