Seven - Present

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"What are you doing here Jin? You know you can't just pitch up here. We had an agreement."

"Fuck the agreement! I want my family back Chaeby! I don't give a fuck about Hwasa and her claims! I didn't do anything. I know myself. I love you and I would never cheat on you."

I couldn't take it anymore. I burst out crying and he pulled me into his embrace. He moved his hand slowly over my hair, in a soothing gesture, all the while whispering 'i love yous' at my ear. His warmth, this comfort, was so familiar and I wanted to give in so badly.

"Please Chaeby, I love you so much
Please believe in me."

I moved away from him, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.

"Did you even once think about me when you were fucking her?! No! You didn't! You didn't think about our kids either. You were too busy enjoying her pussy to care!"

"Fuck!" He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "Fine! Don't believe me then. But I promise you Chaeby, I will find the proof. I don't know how and I dont know when, but I will get you back! See you in court tomorrow!"

With that, he left. I watched as he stalked to his car purposefully and drove off at a maddening speed. I waited outside until I composed myself enough then opened the door to Hoseok's home.

My kids came bounding towards me and I enveloped them in my loving embrace. Hoseok watched me from the dining room table. I knew he felt something was off. My best friend knew me well.

"Hey sweethearts," he spoke to my children, "how about you go up with nanny and get ready for bed. Ahjussi needs to talk with appa for a bit."

They nodded sweetly and kissed him on his cheek before bounding upstairs, holding their nanny's hand.

"Taehyung please, talk to me. I can see how distressed you are. It's not healthy for you right now."

I sighed heavily. "Jin was waiting for me outside when I arrived. He .... He claims nothing happened between him and Hwasa. I just don't know what to think anymore Hobi-ah." I sat down at the table heavily, and placed my head in my hands. "Tomorrow is the custody, and visitation hearing. I'm stressed about that too."

"It's okay to be afraid Tae. No one is judging you. If you want to believe your husband and go back to him, that's your choice and you shouldn't fear being judged for it. Jin loves you Tae. I know I was always against him in the beginning, but only because I knew what he was, a player just like me. But, he changed when he met you. He's been faithful all these years, why would he destroy his marriage over a one night stand?"

"It wasn't just a one night stand Hobi. I feel he was already cheating before that. There were signs, other things that I saw and noticed. And then, when I overheard their conversation, it was all I could do to leave."

"I'm sorry Tae. I'm not forcing you, just advising you; maybe it's best that you speak to Jin, just hear him out for once with an open mind and confront him about all you've known. It might help to solve all your issues or maybe, just make things clearer."

I sat and pondered on all my friend had suggested. Maybe he was right. Maybe I should let Jin explain everything and take things from there.


"The court finds that the father, Mr Kim Seokjin should pay a monthly stipend in the form of ₩400 000 for each child. He will be granted visitation every afternoon for 3 hours. In addition, he will be allowed to take both children every alternate weekend as a stayover, beginning this week. On the matter of the divorce; a hearing is set for 4 months from today, pending an application by the complainant, Mr Kim Taehyung."

The judge brought down his gavel and I flinched. Was I really going to go ahead with this? I watched as my husband carded his hands through his hair in frustration. He still looked amazingly dashing but worry lines had now formed on his forehead that were not there before. His face was grave as he woke up to leave. He glanced at me and I indicated to him that I'd like to speak to him. He smiled sadly and we made our way to my car, avoiding our lawyers who had strictly forbidden us from communicating without them.

"I have my car Chaeby. Let's meet at home, so we can talk in private," he suggested.

I agreed and we made our way separately. I followed him as he drove to our home. I hadn't been back here since the day I had stormed off. It looked the same but I closed my mind to thoughts of that. I just needed to speak to Jin as Hoseok had suggested.

"I want to know truthfully, what happened Jin. I want you to know also, that prior to leaving you that day, I knew other things too. Like the texting late at night and pretending to sleep when you thought I'd caught you. The gifts. The scent of another on you and lipstick on your collar." My voice hitched as I confessed after all these months.

I watched his interchanging expressions as I spoke of all I knew.

"You're right Chaeby. Everything you've said is true and I won't deny them, although there are explanations for them all. I just don't know whether you're willing to listen to them. They're not excuses, just the plain truth."

"I'm listening Jin."

He took a deep breath and began.



Hey my swties. So I've recently been down and dispirited about my work here on this app hence my absence from updating. I'm trying to work through some misgivings I've been having and yesterday things just came to a head about a scandal on this app which justified my misgivings further. I hope to get through this damper and start to focus better on my books soon.

Whenever I feel down, Bangtan just somehow makes me feel all better with just being themselves. Thanks to yoonjin vlive and Tae's Weverse posts, my spirits were lifted and I was motivated enough to complete this edit. 😙💗 Our boys are truly amazing.

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

The Lighthouse [Completed] ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang