Five - Past

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"Hi Seok-ah!" I waved to my best friend as he entered the school grounds. He waved back and we walked to class together.

"Did you complete your assignment on Romeo and Juliet?"

"No! It was a lame assessment Taetae."

"But you'll lose marks Seok-ah. That's why I did one for you." I pulled out the 3 page notes I had made for him. I knew he would never do his assignment.

"What's wrong with you Taetae? You don't have a life? You're doing extra work for me when you should have been out having fun on the weekend. You do know that's what kids our age do, right?"

"You could at least say thank you!" I punched his arm. "And you know I'm not like that Seokie. I only have eyes for my Jin." My eyes turned dreamy when I thought of my crush.

He scoffed. "You're an idiot Taetae. He's a playboy. He's even worse than me. All he'll ever give you is heartbreak."

I rolled my eyes. This was our usual argument. "Not that again Seokie," I warned him.

"Fine fine. Just don't hit me when I'll tell you, "I told you so!' , when he will break your heart some day.

I shoved him into our homeroom, ignoring his usual silly comments on my non-existent romance with the very dashing Kim Seokjin.

Ever since I can remember, I've had a huge crush on Seokjin. But he doesn't even know of my existence. Such is my fate. He has a step brother though, Jeon Jungkook, who's in my year but also, oblivious of me. And it's not because I'm a hideous ghost or something, no, it's just the way I am. I've kept myself out of the popular scene. So I don't blame anyone for not knowing me.

I was annoyed with Hobi so I shoved him away from me to go sit with his other stupid friends.

"Hi," a soft voice behind me said as I sat down. I turned and was surprised to see Jungkook.

"Urm. ..hi," I licked on my bottom lip in nervousness. He has never spoken to me before yet we're in the same homeroom.

"I'm Jungkook. Would you mind if I sat next to you? All the other places are taken."

I looked around and indeed, there were no other seats available. I nodded my head and he sat down gratefully.

After that day, Jungkook would frequently find me in homeroom and sit down next to me. After about a month, he started talking to me. He was cute and funny and he reminded me of a sweet bunny rabbit with fluffy ears.

Our talks only centred around homeroom as we had very few actual classes together and those he sat with his friends. I was mostly a loner, except for when Hobi was around and his crew of misfits. I didn't fit in with his crowd but they sort of accepted my presence because of Hobi.

"Hey Taehyung," I looked up and smiled.

"Hi Jungkook. Do you wanna sit here?" It was recess and I was just done with my lunch and reading a book for my next class.

"Thanks Taehyung. I'm just waiting for my brother. He should be here soon."

"Y-your b-brother?"

"Yeah....Seokjin. Do you know him?"

"! Not at all. I'm just surprised. You've never mentioned him before." I lied, trying to hide my obvious blush at the mention of my crush.

"Yeah...well, he's my step brother but we sort of grew up together. He's a senior here."

"It's nice that you have family here. I'm an only child so it kind of gets lonely."

"Hey, you know, if you ever wanted to hang out, we could."

"Oh no Jungkook. I'm not really one on the popular scene."

"Okay, I guess. By the way, I like your new hair colour."

"Gosh! It's horrid. Hoseok dared me to and now I look like a carrot top. I can't wait to dye it back."

"That's funny. You guys seem close. But don't worry, you still look very cute."

I blushed deeply. No one ever compliments me so I don't know how to respond.

"Urm, yeah Hoseok and I know each other since kindergarten. He's my best friend."

"So you guys aren't dating?"

"Oh no! Hoseok is not my type." I held my hand against my mouth. Did I just admit to him that I like guys. He smiled slowly. That little bunny rabbit! He knew he was trapping me!

I looked away, embarrassed.

"You know, you don't have to be shy about it. I have lots of friends who are gay or bi."

"It's not that Jungkook. I'm just very .... I'm sorry, I have to go." I got up to gather my things.

"Hey, I'm sorry okay. Don't you want to meet my brother?"

"No. It's okay Jungkook. I have to get to class."

I walked away completely embarrassed at myself. Jungkook was nice but I wasn't ready to expose myself like that.

After that, I didn't spend much time with Jungkook again. It was a pity. We might have ended up as good friends but I guess we'll never know.

The year passed by in a daze and Seokjin graduated. He went on to college and I was left heartsore. I had two more years until I would graduate.

And things changed the day I entered college. Over the winter break, my looks had some how changed drastically. Like, I had been a caterpillar for so long but now I was finally ready to leave my cocoon and blossom into the beautiful butterfly I was always meant to be.

People started to notice me more and would flirt with me. All the attention seemed strange to me and it garnered me a whole posse of new friends. I slowly came out of my shell and found that I was more sociable now than I'd ever been.

But the best was yet to come, the day when Kim Seokjin finally noticed me and asked me to date him. My long time crush had finally realised I existed and it was the most beautiful time of my life.



Any thoughts my swties? 😉

This chapter is dedicated to btsfeur_ because I love you 💗🌟

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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