Twenty-six - Present

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I watched Namjoon for a full half hour and I was convinced that he had a thing for my husband. His eyes almost never left my Chaeby. I know when a man is enamoured with my beautiful husband and Namjoon sure was. He had all the signs and I can't believe I was stupid enough not to see it before.

His eyes were sparkling and his voice softened whenever he spoke to Taehyung. I even caught him checking out my baby's ass at one point. And by the end of an hour of our meeting, I was ready to murder him.

"Taehyung, would it be okay if I spoke to you for a minute? In private please," I insisted.

"Urm, yeah sure .... I mean, of course Mr Kim," my husband said, looking quite flustered at my request. I wanted to smile at his cuteness but I held myself back.

We excused ourselves as Hoseok engaged Namjoon in going over the projection graphs.

"What's wrong Myeoni? I thought we agreed to act like we're not ..... mmmp!"

I pulled him to me and kissed him deeply. He looked so fucking amazing in those tight, tailored slacks; I couldn't resist. Our tongues locked and our teeth gnashed as I claimed his mouth. He was radiant. His skin was glowing and already, I could feel his plump ass getting thicker. I groaned and squeezed it harder.

"Myeoni.......," he said breathlessly when I finally let go of his delicious mouth. I placed small kisses to his cheeks and his neck, enjoying how wrecked he looked already. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open.

"My beautiful Chaeby. I love you so much. You're looking so lovely with your pregnancy sweetheart. I can't wait for us to be a family again."

He smiled softly and hid his face in my chest so cutely.

"Myeoni, we can't be here like this. Come on, let's go back."

"Wait baby! I think Namjoon likes you."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Of course he does. He tried to ask me out that day at the club but you interrupted us, remember?"

My eyes darkened and my Chaeby blushed, no doubt at the memory of that night.

"But I think it's more than that my love. I've been thinking about his motives for working with Hwasa and I can't see how he can benefit from hurting me financially. It has to be personal but I didn't know him before this campaign."

"I see. I wonder what his angle could be," my beautiful husband said and looked at me innocently.

And then it clicked. It was Chaeby! He wanted my husband. But why? What was his reason?

"Chaeby, do you by any chance know Namjoon? I mean, have you met him before this?" I enquired and watched how his eyes crinkled in confusion and he pouted, trying to remember.

"I don't think I have Myeoni. I know, I don't know anyone by that name and I've certainly never met him before this campaign."

"Hmmm...., neither have I. I mean, I would've remembered if we lived in the same neighborhood or went to the same school or college, but I know I've never met him before," I mused.

"Wait!" Chaeby squealed. "I think...I think I know him Myeoni! At least, I think I do, I'm not sure. I mean, he looks different now but I think it's the same person," my Chaeby rambled confusedly.

"What do you mean love? Come, let's sit here." And I guided him to a couch in Hoseok's office. His eyes were darting everywhere as he tried to remember. This could be valuable information so I kept quiet, not interrupting his thought processes.

"Yes!" He squealed in delight. "It's Joon! I remember now Myeoni!" He said excitedly and proceeded to tell me a story about a random boy that he had met in a park once. He had helped the boy, who was suffering from heartbreak after his pet had died. But after that day, he had never seen him again.

"But I don't understand something Myeoni. That was a long time ago and I never met him again. I didn't recognise him because he looks so different now and I obviously never knew his full name, but he surely knew mine but he's never acknowledged that he knows me?"

I nodded knowingly. He wouldn't acknowledge Taehyung because he was waiting for Taehyung to recognise him. It all was starting to make a lot of sense now. Namjoon had met Taehyung when they were much younger. He had probably left a lasting impression on him seeing as how my Chaeby had helped him. He had a kind heart and I'm sure Namjoon had recognised that. He probably did try to contact him but it never happened for some reason or the other. Maybe, he met him by chance years later and Taehyung hadn't recognised him. If I were in Namjoon's position, I would have probably tried to find out more about him. And that's when he realised that Taehyung was already married.

I didn't know Namjoon all that well but I could see how he thought that he could have my Chaeby. But plot to ruin our marriage and have me sleep with Hwasa, now that was vindictive and cruel. He knew we had children yet he still went ahead with his plans. He roped in Hwasa, who was probably completely oblivious to his real intents. She was just a pawn in Namjoon's schemes. I could see it all very clearly now.

One thing was for certain though, Namjoon was a very dangerous man. If he could plot and plan this kind of malicious and destructive intent on my family, then he was probably capable of much worse. I knew I had to tread even more carefully now. He could never know that we were on to him. My Chaeby and our children would be in grave danger if Namjoon felt threatened in any way.

"Chaeby, I want you to go back to the conference room and make some excuse for me. Tell them I had to leave for an emergency at the office or something."

My sweet angel nodded and pecked my lips softly.

"Don't tell them anything and be absolutely normal with Namjoon. He can't know anything or he will become suspicious. I love you Chaeby."

"I love you too Myeoni."

I leaned down and kissed his tummy before grabbing my coat that was in the office and went out of the building. I needed to see Jungkook immediately. Things were going to get ugly real soon.



Hey my swties. As some of you are aware, I am still on a partial hiatus from this app but I have been trying to work on an update schedule for my books. I hope I can keep to it. I love you all and miss you a lot. I'm sorry if I don't reply to your messages, comments and on my board. I hope to be back soon. 💗

Please continue to stream DYNAMITE & BLUEBERRY EYES

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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