Three - Present

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"It's a real steal at this price Mr Kim. Believe me, you can't go wrong."

The words of the realtor went over my head as I scanned the almost dilapidated condition of the place. My heart pained to see it so neglected this way. He used to bring me here, in our early days of courtship...those balmy days and nights of complete bliss.

He was so caring and affectionate with me. I know everyone called him a complete asshole. He was a playboy, no doubt. He used his looks and his status to get anyone he wanted. And boy did he want me. I remember Jungkook telling me once, "I've never seen hyung this crazy about anyone. And that's saying something. He never chases anyone. You're the first person to ever capture his heart."

I scoffed at the memory and brought myself back to the present. I know the place needed a lot of work, tlc; but didn't everything, especially me. Maybe, we could help each other heal; this once beautiful but abandoned place, just like me.

"I'll take it Cynthia. Just do the paperwork. Mr Jung will stand as guarantor."

Cynthia smiled from ear to ear, knowing that she was finally getting rid of this pain in her ass. I ignored her as she gushed her appreciation of my long time friend, Jung Hoseok. There was simply no one like him on this planet. True, he was a natural playboy, but he'd always had a sweet spot for me. We were best friends since kindergarten and I knew that there was no one else I could trust besides him.

I left to pick up my kids from daycare and we made our way to Hobi's house. We'd been staying here for  little over a week now. My life had become a complete mess a week ago when I found my husband cheating on me with a model from his workplace.

It was inevitable that it would happen. I knew I was being delusional when I thought he would never do that to me. He loved me for God's sake! We made promises to each other. Our kids and our home, meant everything to us but he had to fuck it up by being a total dick.

Kim Seokjin.....when I hear that name, it still fills me with desire and need. He truly was the sexiest man I'd ever laid eyes on. I had a crush on him since forever but he never noticed me until the day he approached me at college and asked me out for coffee.

I pulled into Hobi's driveway and unbuckled my little munchkins. This was so hard on them. I knew. They adored their father. And this separation wasn't easy on them. They were too young to understand as yet but I had no other recourse, especially after he blatantly denied everything to my face.

I swept my thoughts away from thinking about him and distracted the children with talks about our new home. They didn't seem excited at all. They just wanted to know when they would see their father again.

"Soon my baby," I kissed my daughter Aera, and pulled her close to me. Minjun was already snacking on his sandwiches, totally ignoring us.

The doorbell went off startling me. That couldn't be Hobi as yet, he was still at work and he had his own key anyway. I left my kids at the dining room table and went to check who could be at the door.

I opened it and wished I hadn't. It was my husband. His hair was slightly wet from the slight drizzle that had started and he looked fucking gorgeous in a white chinos and checked shirt.

"What the fuck are you doing here Seokjin? I don't want to see you!"

"Don't flatter yourself bitch! I'm here to see my children. I have my rights. Now please, move aside, so I can go see them."

"First of all, don't you dare call me a bitch! I'm not one of your whores. And secondly, you want to see your children, go apply to family court. You can't just pitch up here and expect to see them without making prior arrangements with me."

"Fine. I'll do that. I just want to see them for now. I won't stay long and I won't get in your way."

I weighed his words then huffed and moved aside to allow him inside. Did he have to look so fucking gorgeous?
I heard the kids squealing in excitement when he entered the dining room. If anything, he was a wonderful father and I know he loved our children. A tear escaped my eyes as I heard Aera ask him if he had come to take us home.

I went into the kitchen while he chatted and played with our kids. I didn't want to stick around and listen to the questions and the heartbreak. I had had enough heartbreak for one week to last me a lifetime already.

I made some fresh juice and started on dinner prep. Hobi had a full staff but I liked to make things for the kids. It was after all, what I had been doing these past few years. And I didn't regret it, not one day. But it hurt a lot now after what my husband had done. I had stayed home and taken care of our children and our home. He had never forced me to but I wanted to be home for them. We were well off and I didn't feel the need to compromise on the kids when they were so small and needed me.

But now, things were changing. I would need a job to start taking care of myself, my kids and our new home. I poured the juice out into small cups for the children and a large one for Seokjin. I was just about to take it out to them when he walked into the kitchen and caged me against the counter.

"What's this I hear from the kids that you're moving and that too, into the old lighthouse? Are you crazy? That place is old and dilapidated. It's a deathtrap! I'll not have my children living in a place like that!"

I was livid! Who the fuck did he think he was, dictating to me where I could and could not live?

"It's none of your business what I do and where I live. Why don't you just go back to your whores and leave us alone."

"Kim fucking Taehyung! You are still my husband. We might be separated right now but we're not divorced. You will not live there. And I don't have any whores! I fucking love you Chaeby."

He leaned in and captured my lips in a furious kiss, sucking on my tongue and gripping my ass tightly. He moaned and I pushed and shoved him away.

"Just leave Seokjin. We're over! I don't want you anymore."

I turned away from him and he huffed in annoyance. He went back to the kids and I composed myself before taking the tray out to the dining room.



Hey swties, I hope you are all on par with the way this story is unfolding. The chapter title will indicate the past or present and the pov will be the name at the top.

Any thoughts on our Taejin?

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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