Thirty Six

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The door pushed open gently and the man walked in. He sighed heavily and turned towards the kitchen, only to be accosted by an intruder. He yelped and struggled to get free of his accoster but it was pointless. He was a small man in comparison and his assailant was extremely strong. He was lifted up off of his feet and thrown onto the couch. His eyes went wide as he saw who it was. Namjoon?


Namjoon moved off of his lover and stood to the side. He watched him closely before sitting back down onto the couch beside him.

"My noona is dead. But you already knew that didn't you Joon? You've had your spies everywhere.

Namjoon shrugged. He had received a text from his informant at the hospital confirming the very same.

Yoongi snickered but then, was overcome with grief. He wailed for his dead sister, the one who had only done everything to protect him, and now she too was gone. Namjoon watched him, unable to offer comfort. It was against his nature to do so. Instead he walked to the drinks cabinet and poured Yoongi and himself a drop of whiskey. He offered him the glass and Yoongi sighed but took it.

"To HyeJin!" Namjoon declared, feeling awkward at raising his glass but nonetheless, completing the custom before downing his drink. It stung his throat and burned as it went down. Yoongi merely sipped at his.

"I know you hate me right now Yoongi. But you must understand why I did what I di...."

The slap came out of nowhere. It did little to hurt Namjoon physically but it was enough to startle him. Yoongi pointed an accusatory finger at Namjoon.

"Don't you dare make this about you! It's always been your greed, your lust! For fuck sake Namjoon, my sister is dead! Don't you understand that? You did this to her! To us! You insinuated yourself into our lives and infected us with your quest to possess Taehyung! You just used us. How dare you separate him from his family? His husband? His children? All innocent! You're the only villain here!"

"Calm down Yoongi. I only did it because of Taehyung. You don't understand. No one has ever cared about me my whole life. I've always been treated like a lepper by my own family! Taehyung..... He.... He made me feel special."

Yoongi scoffed. "So you took his kindness for love? For affection? He didn't know you Namjoon! He was being kind to a stranger! He never asked you to ruin his life!"

"I didn't ruin his life! His fucking husband did! He couldn't keep it in his pants long enough," Namjoon scoffed.

"You helped him to! You did this!"

"Yeah, so what? Who's going to know? No one is going to believe you and HyeJin is dead. There's no evidence that I drugged him. It was too easy. He was so drunk. Idiot! Who gets that drunk anyway? All I had to do was hand HyeJin the drug and she slipped it easily into his drink. I never thought she'd get pregnant. That was stupid and careless of her. But it worked to my advantage. I never wanted the baby or her to die. You have to believe me Yoongi."

"Why are you trying to convince me? I'm nothing to you. I was just another pawn. I meant nothing."

Yoongi sighed and sat down dejectedly. He cried into his hands but Namjoon just stood off to the side and watched him.

"Where's Tae Namjoon? Where is he?"

"He's perfectly fine. He's safe now from that imbecile Seokjin. We've decided to get married," Namjoon said proudly.

Yoongi scoffed. "Oh really? I'd like to hear that from his mouth."

Namjoon sighed but went to open the bedroom door where he had gagged and tied Taehyung to the bed.

The punch startled him, getting him right on the nose. He heard it break so easily. Copious amounts of blood flowed out. And then the pain hit Namjoon and he cowered on the floor, in shock.

"That's for ruining my life you asshole!" Seokjin stood over a befuddled Namjoon. He scoffed as the police ran in and surrounded him.

"Hhow?" was all he could squeak out, whilst holding his nose in agony.

The police lifted him up and handcuffed him but he stood his ground, staring at Seokjin.

"The only idiot here is you Namjoon. You think I would have let you have my husband? Never! Taehyung is my life. We never stopped loving each other, even though you did enough to separate us. Your confession is on tape."

Namjoon turned to look at Yoongi, who opened his shirt, revealing a wire running over this torso. Namjoon was seething.


Namjoon continued to scream as the authorities dragged him out. Taehyung came out of the bathroom that Hoseok had taken him into. He ran into the awaiting arms of his husband.

"Hey sweetheart. Don't cry my love. I'm here. He's never going to hurt you or our family ever again. I promise you my Chaeby." Seokjin ran a soothing hand over his husband's head. Taehyung cried into his chest, disbelieving that their nightmare was over.

"Myeoni.... I was so scared. Our baby..."

"Shooo my love. It's over. Let's get you to the doctor okay. You have some nasty bruises and I want to know that everything is okay with our little one."

Taehyung nodded and allowed Seokjin to lead him out. The police were taking the wire off of Yoongi while Jungkook spoke to the Captain.

"I will drop off all the evidence that I've gathered Captain."

"Thank you Mr Jeon. With what we have and your evidence, we'll be able to put him away for a long time," the Captain said and patted Jungkook on his back before he moved off to talk to his team.

"Thank you Kook. You've done so much for me and my family. I'm indebted to you for life."

"No hyung. You're my family. I-I did it all for your happiness. You all mean everything to me."

Seokjin hugged his brother and walked a tired Taehyung out to the elevators. Hoseok stayed behind to talk with Yoongi.

"So Mr Kim, are you ready to move back home?" Seokjin winked at his husband.

Taehyung smiled softly. "I don't know. I kind of liked living at the Lighthouse. It's been my place of peace for a long while Myeoni."

"Hmmm...let's get you and our little one to the doctor and then we can talk about it."

Taehyung smiled and cuddled into his husband more as they made their way to his car. He was finally happy that this nightmare was behind them.

"I'm sorry about Hwasa Myeoni."

"It's okay Chaeby. She's not dead. Jimin figured out which intern was texting him and got a hold of his phone. He sent Namjoon the fake message. We had to do that for Namjoon to believe Yoongi. He helped us a lot. We have her statement too. I'm just sad that she lost the baby."

"She's alive?! Wow! Thank heavens! I feel bad for them Myeoni. If it had not been for me and Namjoon's obsession with me, their lives would have been very different."

"It's okay love. Let's focus on our small blessings for now and we'll deal with everything else later."

Taehyung sighed and walked to the car hand in hand with his husband.



Hey my swties. So this book is coming to an end soon. I hope you all enjoyed that. Tell me your thoughts 🤗

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting my Thai bl account SwtyC_bl
I truly appreciate all your love 💖

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😘

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