Thirty - Four

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AN: With appreciation for 1K+ followers. Thank you for your support 💜😘 Please check out my Thai bl account SwtyC_bl for updates on my book, Behind The Scenes.

⚠️ TW ahead

Kim Namjoon was not a man to be tested. He was a focused psychopath that had dedicated his life to acquiring all things that he liked and admired. He was a collector of sorts. He had very strategically collected Yoongi and he was almost successful in his acquisition of Taehyung too, although he had made one mistake. He had not banked on his husband, Kim Seokjin.

Namjoon had done every dirty thing he could think of to expose Seokjin as a cheater and someone who was not worthy of Taehyung. He had connived and manipulated Yoongi, along with his sister HyeJin to trap Seokjin so Taehyung would have no other choice but to leave him. But all his carefully laid out plans were going against him and he was losing his sanity slowly.

He had bribed an intern at the hospital to inform him of events when HyeJin would go into labor but what he had now heard had just about sent him over the edge. The baby, that he had looked on as his Golden Harp, had died and HyeJin was fighting for her life. No, Namjoon couldn't let his hard work go to waste!

He made his way to the hospital after discovering that Taehyung too had been spotted there. Namjoon was no fool. He knew that Seokjin and his brother would both be looking for him after that idiot Yoongi had spilled his guts at the hospital. So he waited until he saw them leave before he accosted both Yoongi and Taehyung.

"You'll never get away with this Namjoon! Aaaarrrrr! Let go! You're hurting me!" Taehyung screamed as he tried to get away from Namjoon.

But he was too strong and it was easy to subdue Taehyung after he knocked Yoongi out. He drove to his secret location and kept Taehyung there, bound and gagged after he had put up a fuss. Things were falling apart for him and it had started to affect his psyche. He had lost almost all sense of reasoning. So when Taehyung had pleaded with him to let him go, Namjoon was too far gone in his obsession to understand what he was saying. All he cared about was possessing Taehyung. That's all that mattered.

Seokjin and Jungkook, along with Hoseok had searched for Namjoon fruitlessly. After finding no joy in locating him, they returned to the hospital after Jimin called them. He had discovered a dazed and confused Yoongi on the floor of the private waiting room.

"Where do you think he could have taken him to Yoongi?" Seokjin gritted his teeth as he questioned a very muddled Yoongi.

Jimin placed an ice pack on his head where he had sustained a blow from Namjoon. Yoongi felt slightly better.

"Yoongi, I need you to pay attention! You can get medical help in a minute!"

"He wouldn't take him to his own house. That's too obvious. And he knows that I have a key to his private apartment. My guess would be......" And he trailed off. He felt quite befuddled.


Seokjin was angry as hell. But Yoongi was not cooperating due to the extreme pain.

"Noona's house. That's where he will take him."

"Good Yoongi. Do you have a key?"

"No. But I know the pass code. It's 2731."

"Hyung, I've alerted the police. What's Hwasa's address?" Jungkook asked.

"I know it Kook." Jimin said and proceeded to tell Jungkook who repeated it to the police.

"Let's go Kook. I can't place my faith of my Chaeby in the hands of others. Namjoon could have harmed him and you know he's pregnant."

"H-He's pregnant?" Yoongi asked. "I'm sorry Jin. I'm so sorry," Yoongi sobbed.

Hoseok moved to comfort him as Seokjin's attention was taken by the doctor who had come out of the ICU.

"Mr Kim, HyeJin is awake but I'm sorry, she has a lot of internal bleeding. We've tried our best. It's up to her now."

"Thank you doctor. Can I please see her?"

"Of course Mr Kim."

He patted Seokjin on the back before moving off. Seokjin and Yoongi were only allowed inside.


"Why won't you understand Taehyung!? He's not good for you! Look what he did to Hwasa."

"That is a lie Namjoon and you know it! I'm warning you, don't you come near me!"

Taehyung backed away into the couch. Namjoon didn't stop. He grabbed him, not caring that he was screaming. He flung him over his shoulder and walked him to the bed.

"I will show you just how much I love you."

"NOOOOOOO!" Taehyung wailed and hit Namjoon on his back fruitlessly.

Before he knew what was happening, Namjoon had him on the bed and had caged himself over Taehyung.

"You're a dream my sweet Taehyung. And I promise you, after tonight, you'll beg me to stay with you. Seokjin will be a mere thought," he said seductively, his eyes crazed as he gazed at a struggling Taehyung beneath him.


Namjoon tore at Taehyung's clothes. He looked demented as his eyes focused on Taehyung's milky soft skin. He was aware that Taehyung was saying things but he couldn't for the life of him, hear anything. He was even aware of Taehyung crying. He could see his bread cheeks, flushed pink and sweet. Something glistened on them. Could it be tears? Namjoon smiled. His Taehyung was so overwhelmed with desire and need of him that he was crying. Namjoon was lost in the ecstasy of the sight before him. His Taehyung, the one that he had waited for, for so long, was finally going to be his. Nothing and no one would stand in his way again.



Hey my swties. So I have decided to update this book daily to take it to completion. I have many other projects that I want to fulfill but I want to give this book my undivided attention until then. I love you all for supporting my work and I look forward to finding you on my new venture, my Thai bl stories account

 I love you all for supporting my work and I look forward to finding you on my new venture, my Thai bl stories account

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I purple you 💜

Love Swty 😘

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