Twenty-three - Present

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"What the fuck do you want?! You're not welcome here and by the way, how did you even find me?"

My unwanted visitor sniggered and saunted in uninvited.

"How dare you?! Get the fuck out of my home right now!" I was livid.

"I wouldn't be so high and mighty Taehyung dear. "You and I need to talk."

As much I didn't want to admit the truth behind those words, I knew I couldn't avoid this. I huffed loudly to show my irritation and banged the door closed. Might as well get this over with.

I watched as she struggled to sit down heavily on the couch and I softened only for a bit. That was after all, my husband's child. Hwasa looked quite tired and overdrawn in her seventh month, I was assuming.

"Okay, since I can't manage to move about too much, let's get this show on the road," she huffed.

"How far along are you?" I queried.

"This is my 35th week. I'll be entering my 8th month soon."

It had been that long already. Seokjin and my divorce hearing was to be exactly at her 9th month then. This thought alone conspired to make me cry but I held back. I did not want to appear weak in front of her.

"Look Taehyung, I know you hate me but I needed for you to know the truth about Seokjin and I as I'm sure you believe that I trapped him into this. That's simply not the case. Think about it Taehyung. I had an aspiring modelling career; a whole life ahead of me. Why would I jeopardise that over a child and a man? Those never fell into my plans."

I remained quiet not wanting to give her the satisfaction of a reply. When she saw I wasn't forthcoming, she continued.

"Seokjin and I have been in a relationship since before the party. He was already making moves on me and I kept trying to get him to leave me alone but he wouldn't take no for an answer."

Lies.....all lies. I knew, because I had proof of her trying to woo my husband.

"He did, did he? He cheated on me, his husband and two beautiful children, so he could sleep with you and have a whole new family. Then he deserves you and your baby right?"

She became flustered at my words.

"Well, y-yes. That's exactly what happened. And the reason why I came here today, is to make sure that you understand that we will be together, as a family, after our baby is born."

She looked at me like I was stupid.

"So you're just here to clarify things?"

I could see that I was irritating her. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction, knowing what she was trying to do.

"Yes! I don't see why you have a problem understanding that Jin is mine and we are a couple in love with a baby on the way! You need to move out of our way so we can be happy!"

"Don't stress yourself Hwasa dear. He's yours. You'll have no fight from me. In fact, our divorce proceedings should be completed even before you give birth. So you can marry Jin whenever you want," I smirked at her.

This seemed to infuriate her even more.

"What are you trying to pull Taehyung? I'm warning you, dare you come between Jin and I and you will have to bear the consequences!"

I laughed lightly.

"Are you threatening me Hwasa? You're really some piece of work aren't you? You have the audacity to come into my home and threaten me?! You insinuated yourself into my marriage," I pointed an accusatory finger at her. "You slept with a married man! You're having a child out of wedlock, not me! So who's the whore here Hwasa? Me or you? Don't think that you can get away with what you've done. You're not some unfortunate in all this. And neither is Jin. So you can just take your whoring ass out of my home and fuck off! And you can keep Seokjin for all I care. I don't take kindly to used goods!"

She was fuming at me. Her face was red and looked like it was about to burst.

"And you better calm your tits down. It's not good for your baby," I deadpanned.

She got up wordlessly then and righted her clothes over her huge belly before walking to my door. I held it open for her and bowed to her as she made her exit.

But before I could fully close the door, she turned around and sniggered at me.

"I don't know what he ever saw in a toothpick like you. A man like Seokjin needs to feel a woman with soft curves. Maybe you were so bad in bed that he had to come to me to be satisfied."

"Or maybe, you had to get him so drunk that he had no idea whether he was humping you or a whale!"

I banged the door in her face but not before catching her horrified expression. I smirked and stood at the door listening to her rant that I was just some bitch. I laughed soundlessly at her stupidity.

When she was finally gone, I poured myself a glass of wine and made myself comfortable on my couch. Her words made me think on everything that had happened in the last few months. I was finally convinced that something was amiss in all that had transpired. Hwasa's behaviour and attitude convinced me that this was no coincidence or victim of circumstances. She had planned this and she had ensured that my husband was too inebriated or even drugged to not know what he was doing.

We might not have the physical proof as yet, but I surely did have the suspicions proven by her behavior that she had indeed done a number on my husband. But what remained was the proof and also the motive. What would she gain by doing this, as she herself had so eloquently put it? There was definitely more to this than meets the eye.

I reached for my cell phone and called the one man I knew who would be able to help me.




Hey my swties. I do apologise for neglecting this book. Since I've been very busy with work, I haven't been able to give it my full attention. I hope to update more regularly.

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I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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