Thirty One (M)

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"Aaah! Shit! That hurts! Fuck!"

"Take it baby! I know you can. You can give me what I want. It's what you're made for. To pleasure me. To give me your moans, your pain, your pleasure."

I kissed him deeply, swallowing his heavy groans of pleasure pain, as I moved into him at an exhaustive pace. Fuck! He was sweet and pliable yet....... he still was not him.

"Fuck me Daddy! Harder! I'm close."

I smiled sardonically. I wanted to hear this. It always took me over the edge just how well I could wreck him. I lifted his hips up, hooking his slim legs around my neck. His yelp of surprise was more music to my ears. And when I began to pound into him even harder, I knew I would receive what I was giving him, complete and delirious satisfaction.

"Fuck! Aaaaaah! Aaaaaah! Too much Daddy!"

I ignored his pleas, closed my eyes and pictured my sweet, delicious Taehyung under me. And when I climaxed and called out his name, I felt my lover flinch beneath me, riding out his own high, clenching around my cock even harder.

When I was done, I rolled over off of him, and tried to get my breath back. That was intense, even for me. My desperation to possess Taehyung was getting even more stronger. I needed him. I had to have him.

A soft whimper brought me out of my musings. I turned and faced my lover. His back was curled inwards, away from me. His shoulders shook slightly and I knew he was crying. His thin, small frame with its smooth curves, invited me to reach out to him and stroke his softness.

"Come here baby." I pulled him to me and he released a small sob but complied. He turned into me and buried his face into my chest. I felt his tears wet my skin as I rubbed his back soothingly.

"I'll never be enough for you Joonie.... It's always going to be him, isn't it?" he hiccoughed through his tears.

"Baby...... Yoongi please. You know you mean so much to me."

He scoffed. "But it will never be enough." He was quiet for a time, then began to gather his clothes. He turned and faced me. "You know Joonie, I didn't only give you my body, I gave you my heart but what you're doing, it's just totally wrong. Taehyung was happy. He had his husband that really loved him and his children. But you broke their marriage. You used HyeJin to break them up! Even to the extent of her falling pregnant! What do you gain from all your games Joonie? You think Taehyung is going to run into your arms after all this? He loves his husband. I've seen them together."

I grabbed him by his throat and pinned him to the bed. He yelped and tried to get away from me but it was an exercise in futility. He knew he couldn't do anything to me.

"You listen here Yoongi, if you hadn't fucked up that night, Taehyung would've been in my arms. Instead you called his brother in law! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He struggled to breathe as my grip tightened on his throat.

"I-I h-had ttto call Hhoesok. It would've been too suspi...."

"Shut up Yoongi! You fucked up! All you had to do was get him drunk and then he would have submitted to me! But no! You had to play the matyr. Do you know how many favors I had to ask for you to be in that company? Or how many other things I've done for you all these years? Don't fuck with me Yoongi!"

He wiggled out of my hold and went to stand at the door, looking like a frightened canary that's about to be devoured by a cat.

"I didn't fuck up! He was so drunk that he threw up all over me. I called Hoseok! I didn't know he was not in Seoul at the time. You never listen Joonie! Hoseok called Jungkook! I didn't. I called you after that but Jungkook had already got there before you. And what about how you fucked up in the club? You let Seokjin take him that night. I planned everything and even got Hoseok to make it seem like a business meeting!"

I sighed heavily. He was right. Nothing seemed to work out the way I wanted it to when it came to Taehyung. Even that night at the club, Seokjin had some how been there and fucked up all my carefully laid out plans. When they had disappeared behind the VIP area, his annoying brother Jungkook still hung about the bar. I couldn't do anything to dissuade Taehyung to be with me after that. The night was a complete bust.

"I'm sorry Yoongi baby. You're right. You've been doing everything I've asked of you and it's not fair for me to be treating you like this."

He sniffed but stood his ground. I sighed again and got up to placate him.

"Please come back to bed baby. I promise I won't say anything about Taehyung. I just want to hold you."

I looked at him with puppy dog eyes and he sniffed but put his arms around my neck eventually. I lifted him up and carried him back to bed, throwing his clothes onto the floor. I needed Yoongi. He was essential for my plans. I couldn't be an idiot now and spoil all my efforts.

And as I turned him over onto his stomach and buried my head between his cheeks again, I smiled at the satisfied mewl that left his lips. Oh yes, Min Yoongi would do anything for me. And I wanted only one thing, my beloved Kim Taehyung.



Update as per voting on my board. I hope you are all well and streaming Life Goes On.

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😘

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