Six - Present

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No marriage is perfect. All marriages go through ups and downs. Jin and I too, had our fair share of arguments, misunderstandings and confrontations but we never went to bed angry at each other. We made it a rule to always speak to each other and kiss each other 'goodnight'.

We had a healthy sex life as well; we made love almost everyday of the week. We didn't keep to schedules like some married people who only had sex on a Saturday night. Our love making was spontaneous and interesting. So I don't understand where we went wrong and why my husband had to cheat.

He claims he didn't do it. He also claims he was too drunk to remember a thing. But I'm sure, if my dick was up side someone that wasn't my husband, I would remember that no matter how wasted I was.

Yes, I'm angry. I'm disappointed too. No one expects their spouse to cheat on them. And once trust is broken, it's pretty difficult to repair ever again. No matter how strong your marriage is, it will never be the same again.

I love my husband. I've loved him for the better part of my whole life. Even before he started to court me, I had the biggest crush on him. And now, he had given me the biggest heartache of my life.

I was slowly getting the old lighthouse ready for us, trying to make it livable again. It truly was a labour of love. Since I didn't have a lot of money, I visited many thrift stores and street fairs to supplement my need for proper furniture and kitchen equipment in my new home.

It was a far cry from how I had been living these past few years with Jin, but I didn't care. Growing up, I had been accustomed to not having much of everything. My parents were not super rich and I didn't always have everything of the best. I knew how to eek out a living from a small budget.

Hoseok thought I was crazy. Although he was the original pessimist when it came to my relationship with Jin, he tried many times for me to go back to Jin.

"For God's sake Taessi, you have two kids to think about! Why are you torturing them?"

"You won't understand Seok-ah. You don't have kids so you won't realise that all I'm doing is actually trying to protect them from further heartbreak down the line."

He scoffed at me. "I don't know why I feel like you're not giving me the whole story Taessi. I know how crazy you were for him in school; I don't think you would have just left him over what you heard in that office."

It was my turn to scoff. I turned away from him then and busied myself with repairing a piece of furniture that I had purchased. He huffed in annoyance and said he was going home and he'd see me there once my madness was over.

I owe a lot to my bestie but he would never know and understand my decisions for the simple fact that he's never been married neither does he have any children.

When I heard his car drive off, I stopped with my repairs and went outside of the lighthouse. I stood at the railing and gazed out over the wide expanse of the ocean, my thoughts a mess. I hugged myself against an involuntary shiver that ran through my body, even though it was a warm day. I recalled the events that led up to my final exit from my home on that fateful day, two months ago.

It all started three months prior to that day that I began to be suspicious of my husband. The first trigger had been a feint mark of lipstick on his collar. It was too close to his neckline to be considered a careless cheek kiss from a business associate. I tried rationalising that small mark for three days straight. It drove me crazy but I never once questioned my husband about it.

Then came the faint scents of a female's perfume on his clothing. This too I rationalized as models hugging him in thanks or some other stupid reasoning of mine. It irritated me for days on end having my husband come home smelling like the inside of a perfumery. And still, I didn't confront him about it.

But the cherry on the pie came, the day I saw him throw a piece of wrapping paper with a pink bow on it, into our trashcan at home. He never spoke about a gift that someone had given him, neither did I see any evidence of one. Usually, he would receive gifts from clients who were appreciative of his work. And this was common practise, and I always knew about it because he was too lazy to open them himself and would always toss it to me to open when he got home.

He was a busy man and he was constantly on his phone but never once did I think he would be texting someone on a personal basis because he just wasn't the type. He was about efficiency when it came to technology and used it for his work but when you wake up to your husband texting someone at 3 in the morning while you're supposedly fast asleep next to him on the bed, it's a cause for concern, especially when he realises that you're awake and quickly pretends to be asleep, hiding the device from you.

An outsider might ask, 'why didn't you just confront him then?' , but that's easier said that done. You realise, you're too afraid to hear the truth and too angry and disappointed to hear any lies, so you're better off pretending to be oblivious than rocking the boat. But it eats away at you from the inside until eventually you do something crazy like what I'd finally done.

I simply gave up. I didn't want to hear the excuses or the lies, so I simply left without explanations and accusations. My world was crumbling apart and I was so afraid to jump back onto a sinking ship to save myself.

I hugged myself tighter and watched as the sun kissed the waterline far out to sea. Another day was ending, but with it came a new hope on the horizon for a better day tomorrow.

I locked up the lighthouse and turned my back on the memories that this place held for me. I drove south, back to Hobi's place as a stray tear made its way down my cheek. I didn't bother to wipe it away. There was no one to see it and no one to wipe it away and tell me that it would all be okay soon.

It was my own fault for that too. I had scorned my parents and their warnings over my husband and had defiantly left them to marry him. I'd burnt bridges back then only to hope that the cement had held them up in place even after I'd stupidly allowed myself to walk across them.

And as I drove into Hobi's driveway, I wiped the evidence of my grief away and put on a happy face for my children to see. I jumped out of my car, only to find the object of my heartbreak standing to the side, waiting for me to descend back into his life.



What are your thoughts on Tae's decisions?

'8' is a bop ARMY! Go stream.

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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