Sixteen - Present

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My doorbell chimed and I groaned. Why was Jin back so early with the kids? It was Sunday for God's sake. After more incessant ringing of the bell, I forced myself out of bed and went to the door.

I didn't bother to check my appearance before answering the door. Jin had seen me worse than this. And who cares anyway? He's just a lying, cheating asshole!

He had tried to talk to me when he picked up the kids on Friday night but I had just slammed the door in his face. I was not going to show him I gave two fucks about him after what happened. We had made love but it didn't change the fact that he was an ass.

Imagine my shock when I opened the door, revealing not Jin but the surprised faces of my parents.

"Taehyunggie my baby," my mother cooed and pushed her way inside.

"Eomma? Appa? What.......?" I trailed off as my father lifted me up effortlessly and carried me back inside my home.

"We're here now son. Oh God, he looks terrible. Such a mess," my mother was whining, already picking up things that were lying on the floor.

My father placed me down on the couch with ease. He's a pretty big man and even at his age, he can still man handle my smaller frame with ease. Being an officer of the law has always kept him fit as well.

"What are you both doing here?" I was in shock. Not that I didn't want my parents here but this was so surreal right now.

My mother huffed and pouted. She looked at my father sadly. "See Jae, he doesn't want us here."

"Of course he does. He's our baby," my father cooed at me.

"Eomma, appa, not that I'm complaining, but I haven't seen you both since before I got married. How come you're here? And wait, how did you even know where I was?" I was in a state of shock and very confused right now.

"We found out about you and what's his name breaking up," my father said.

"Seokjin, his name is Kim Seokjin appa and we didn't break up. Well, okay we kind of did. What I mean to say is, I've filed for divorce," I admitted sheepishly. I hadn't even brushed my teeth as yet. I felt vile.

"Tae sweetipie, go and wash your face while eomma makes you a fresh breakfast. You look so thin my angel," my mother coddled me.

I huffed, slipping back into my role of a little child with her words and affectations. I woke up and went to clean myself up, my mind filled with my parents sudden arrival on my doorstep.

The smell of a traditional Korean breakfast wafted through the lighthouse and my stomach growled. I have been neglecting my diet these past few months. I was suddenly quite ravenous.

"Eomma, that smells heavenly," I said, sitting down to taste my mother's food after an age. My father smiled, the newspaper already in his hand. Where did he find one? I know I didn't subscribe.

After satisfying my hunger, I sat down on the couch to confront my parents.

"Right, spill. I know you two are keeping something from me. You disowned me 6 years ago and now suddenly you're back in my life at the worst possible crisis. I want answers," I demanded.

"Taessi, don't get angry okay, but your husband visited us a few days ago. He told us what happened. And although I hate him, he was sincere about asking us to come to you since he knew you needed us. And I see he was not lying," my father said.

"That lying, cheating, son of a bitch! He just wants to ease his conscience!"

"No Tae. I really hate that guy and I wish I could tell you 'I told you so', but this time, I actually believe him," my father said, watching me intently.

I was livid. "Are you trying to say that you're on his side? When did that happen? He cheated on me appa! He did exactly what you said he would do! I hate him!" I was fuming now. What was wrong with my father?

"Baby, we think he was drugged. We don't have any proof but your father knows a lot of people in the department and well, he's checking out Jin's story. There seems to be a lot of blanks that he can't fill," my mother tried.

"Are you guys for real right now? He got to you too? Damn! He is good. There's blanks in his story, because!!! He cheated on me and that woman is pregnant with his child!" I insisted.

My parents were quiet after my rant. After a few moments though, my mother piped up.

"Where are my grandchildren?" She questioned me.

"They're with Jin. He gets them on alternate weekends. He should bring them back soon though."

"Why does he get to see them like that?" My mother looked at me, confused. I sighed heavily.

"The court gave him visitation rights."

"Court? Why are you going to court Tae? Why aren't you solving this problem on your own?"

My mother was really something. "Eomma, that's how things work. Please just leave it alone. I can't deal with all this."

"That's why we're here angel. We'll help you both sort this problem out." She smiled happily.

"Are you for real eomma? Nothing is getting sorted out. Jin and I are getting a divorce and then he can apply to family court for visitation and custody if he wants."

"Are you crazy Tae? You can't do that. You made a commitment to him. And although we were against him from the beginning, we can't allow you to divorce. That doesn't happen in our family."

I stared at my mother in disbelief. Was I in some nightmare right now? I pinched myself to check. When I winced, I knew it was all too real. My parents were crazy. Just then, the doorbell rang and my father went to answer. The sound of my children running into the house and their father talking to mine, snapped me out of my reverie.

My husband looked at me as my father invited him inside. I crinkled my eyebrows as he thanked my father and entered, standing sheepishly to the side. He looked damn gorgeous as he gazed at me. I looked away and turned my attention to my children and my parents who were gushing at their grandchildren.

"Come inside Jin. Close the door. I'll just make us some tea. You know how Tae hates coffee," my mother said, walking to the kitchen with my daughter, Aera holding onto her hand.

I watched as my husband closed the door and spoke to my father, his eyes glanced at me furtively. He was nervous. I frowned at him and stood up.

"What are you doing here Seokjin? You know you're not welcome."

"Taehyung! He is your husband. We will talk when the children go to bed. You shouldn't be speaking to him that way in front of your son," my father chastised me.

I narrowed my eyes and pulled my son, Minjun to his room. This night was going to be long.



Hey my swties. Thank you for over 600 followers. I hope you're enjoying this story. Things will be kicking into high gear soon. Brace yourselves for the ride. 😉

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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