Four - Present

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"I fucking love him Kook."

"When have I heard that before?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm serious bro. I can't live without him. My house is like a cemetery since he left."

"You should have thought of that before you hooked up with Hwasa bro."

"Fuck! I didn't okay! I don't fucking remember shit about that night. It was a fucking office Christmas party and I was hammered but I know I would never cheat on my Chaeby like that no matter how sloshed I was. I love him too much."

"But I thought you admitted to Tae that you did cheat," Jungkook looked at me thoroughly confused.

I huffed in annoyance. "That's not what happened bro. After the new year and we were back at work, she came into my office and said she had something to discuss with me."


"Mr Kim, Hwasa is here to see you. Should I send her in?" My secretary announced.

"What is she doing here? We don't have a scheduled meeting. Fine, just send her in," I was annoyed.

My secretary nodded and ushered the model in.

"Jin, we have a problem and we need to discuss this now."

"Well hello to you too Hwasa," I began sarcastically. "What brings you here without an appointment might I add." She was very irritating. Always appearing without notice and expecting me to jump at her beck and call.

"Please Jin, we don't have time for that crap. I think, I think I might be pregnant."

"Whoa Hwasa! You know that's against your contract. You're going to have to decide what you want to do with it or you will be in breach."

"Will you shut up Jin!? The baby is yours!"

It was my turn to get angry. What the fuck was she talking about?

"Excuse me? Are you on some meds? I've never had sex with you Hwasa. You seem to be having some sort of memory loss," I scoffed.

"Oh but we did Seokjin. The night of the office Christmas party, you and I hooked up."

"You're kidding right? I was knackered that night but I know I didn't have sex with anyone."

"We did Jin. We came up to this very office and you fucked me over this desk! And now I'm pregnant!"

"You're crazy Hwasa! I'm a married man and I love my husband. I would never cheat on him."

"Well you did! I know we were both drunk but it happened Jin. You can't deny it. And now I'm pregnant with your child."

"I think you need to leave. You need to go to some therapist and have your head checked and then maybe attend a séance to have the devil removed out of your system."

Just then the doors flew open and in walked my beautiful husband Kim Taehyung. Tears were streaming down his face and he dropped the container of food that he had brought for me. He looked at me and then to Hwasa who was smirking like the bitch she was.


"Don't! Don't call me that Seokjin! I heard everything! I-I'm leaving."

He turned on his heal and I ran after him but he wouldn't listen to me. He got into a cab and went back home. He was crying like crazy. I followed him in my car but when I got there, he was already packing and taking the kids to leave me.


"He refused to listen to me Kook. He took the kids and left. I can't live without him and I don't know what to do to get him back!"

I was fucking frustrated with this whole situation. It's been a month already and he still refuses to talk to me. He lets me see our children but that's about it. I need him back in my life. I love him.

People think I'm a player and they're not far off except that I used to be one until I saw him. I changed for him. He was the one. I knew it the moment I laid eyes on him all those years ago. And I went through hell to finally have him as my husband. I wasn't going to give up on that so easily.

"I don't know bro. This is some serious shit you're in. Did you even try to remember what happened that night? I mean, I was there and I remember you being wasted but I also recall how Hwasa was sidling up to your ass almost the whole night."

"That bitch! I swear to God she's up to something. She did make a move on me before that and I shut her down. I know she's doing this as revenge!"

"But how will you prove it? And also, you can't do a DNA test until the baby is born or opt for amniocentesis or foetal DNA screening while she's still pregnant. But you'll need a court order for both if Hwasa kicks up a fuss."

"It won't come to that Kook! I know she's a fucking liar. I just have to find a way to prove it and make sure my Chaeby believes me."

"I feel for you bro. I'll try to think of a way as well."

"Thanks Kook. You know, we may not be related by blood, but I know you'll always have my back just as I will always have yours."

"Are you fucking getting sentimental on me? Fuck bro!"

"You just ruined the moment asshole. Now fuck off and get to work. I'm not paying you to stand around and gossip all day."

"Yeah yeah....I'm going. For what it's worth, I know Tae loves you bro. Maybe, he just needs time. Don't be too hard on him. He's had a shock from whatever has happened and this can't be easy for him too."

"I know Kook. You're right. I'll ease off on being nasty to him. By the way, how do you know so much about this medical shit?"

"Oh, Jimin is a maternity nurse at the hospital. He sometimes talks about stuff like that."

"Jimin? Right....your new boytoy?"

"He's not my boytoy. We're together."

"Never thought I'd see the day you got serious over someone bro."

"We're not serious. We're just together for now. We'll see how things go."

"You better not waste time fooling around Kook. Look at me, I have two kids already."

"Yeah, and you're separated. I'd rather enjoy myself now than go through that shit just yet."

"Ah, just fuck off already!"

Jungkook laughed lightly and left me alone with my thoughts. I had to find a way to show my Chaeby just how much I love him and this whole fiasco is all a lie. I can't live without him and our babies.



Any thoughts on our Jinkook dynamic?

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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