Twelve - Present

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My life is really fucked up right now. My husband left me, my kids are confused because this is all new to them and they're too young to understand much. And then there's Hwasa, who's making my life a living hell right now.

She insists I go baby shopping with her and pay attention to her pregnancy cravings yet she still refuses to allow any form of DNA analysis until after the baby is born. She claims that the risk of miscarriage is too high and she won't do it even if I get a court order.

I've been working on getting the court to recognise my right to have the procedure done but it's taking time. And that's the problem, everything is taking too long. The longer I have all these unknowns in my life, the longer my Chaeby remains out of my life.

My Chaeby. sweet angel. I can't live without him. He still refuses to talk to me. He ignores my texts and actively avoids talking to me, even when I pick up or drop off our kids. My life is miserable without him. I tried explaining what had been happening prior to the night of the office Christmas party, but he felt that those were all lame excuses and I can't blame him. Even to my own ears, it felt just awful. I was wrong to have kept the things that Hwasa was doing, secret. I should never have responded to her texts and worse, hidden them from him. I had dug my own grave and now I deserved all that was happening to me.

But my children didn't. They were innocent in all this. Why did Taehyung have to make them suffer for my mistakes? I watched as they napped in front of the tv after watching their favourite show, PJ Masks. Aera was fond of pretending to be 'Owlet' and Minjun wanted to be 'Gecko'. My sweet, innocent babies. They were forced to go through this emotional trauma because of my fuck ups.

Jungkook texted me that he was outside and I quickly opened the door to let him in before he pressed the doorbell and disturbed my kids. He seemed agitated when he had called me earlier and he looked even worse as he got out of his car. I noticed how crumpled his clothes were and he had a slight stubble.

"What's with you bro? You look like shit."

He sighed and ignored my jab.

"Hyung, we need to talk about Taehyung," he simply stated and I knitted my brows in confusion.

"What about him?"

He carded his hand through his hair in frustration.

"I was with Taehyung last night." He simply stated and my eyes went wide in disbelief. What the actual fuck! Did he sleep with my husband? He looked guilty as fuck!

I was seething and he looked down. "Hyung, please don't misunderstand me. Let me explain before you kill me."

I just nodded my head, holding myself back from killing him which was extremely difficult. I kept reminding myself that he was my brother.

"Last night Taehyung went out with a collegue from work. He got extremely drunk and Hoseok called me to go get him as he's in China right now. At first, he refused but then he thought I was you and went home with me. He was in a bad way and I was worried that he might throw up again or fall. So I stayed with him. But something happened which I'm not proud of."

"Be careful with your next words Kook," I warned him.

He sighed and continued.

"He kissed me hyung. In his defence, he thought I was you. He kept calling me Myeoni and saying he loves me and wanted me to make love to him. But I didn't. I promise, we didn't do anything more than kiss."

I took a while to process what he was saying. He truly looked a mess. Like he had slept in a ditch.

"Did you sleep in the same bed as him?"

"Yes. But please, listen why. He was really drunk and he had already thrown up all over his friend. I was worried he would get sick during the night and I wouldn't be there to help him. I did undress him but I didn't look. He was in his boxers and I covered him. He's my brother in law hyung. He's family. I was worried about him."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"You had the kids and Hoseok said he didn't think it would be fair on them to see their appa in that state."

"Hmmmm.....I guess he's right. And thank you for taking care of him Kook. And also, thank you for not taking advantage of him."

He looked up at me. "He loves you hyung. He kept thinking I was you. He was even sniffing me, my clothes, my skin and he would crinkle up his nose. I don't know why."

I laughed quietly. "It's his thing. He claims I have a unique scent that he loves. Personally, I always joked with him that he's attracted to my body odour." Jungkook smirked and smiled.

"I'm sorry hyung. Maybe I should have called you. I was just worried about him."

"It's okay Kook. If there's anyone in this world that I trust more than myself, it would be you. I'm sorry I assumed the worst of you just now. I love Tae. He's my life and we're struggling right now. Everything is so crazy. Hwasa is driving me insane!"

"I know hyung. I'm sorry for all this. You guys were so happy. I checked the cctv footage and unfortunately, it is pretty inciminating. It shows you both going into your office and her only leaving after an hour. You didn't even make it home that night."

"I know. I fucked up bro. He hates me. And he has good reason to. I just wish I could remember something, anything about that night. I can't understand why my memory of that night is lost. And Hwasa refuses to allow the DNA test. I fucking want to strangle her! But then again, if we did have sex, it can't only be on her. I'm equally responsible and the child she's carrying is mine. What will I do then Kook? I'll definitely lose my Chaeby forever."


Jungkook enveloped me in his arms. I don't ever cry. That's not me. I've only ever cried twice in my life. Once, when my mum left us and the day that I married my Chaeby. But now, my heart was breaking and I was losing my tough resolve. I sobbed against my brother's chest like a baby. I was losing the love of my life and I had no idea how I was going to stop that.



Hey my swties

I know my updates have been rather slow lately and I'm not keeping to any specific schedule. I promise to work on one so I can do better with them.

My current books are 5 at the moment and are nowhere near completion. I'm trying to do my drafts for my next books but I don't want to publish anything without first editing these books and bringing them to completion. I anticipate that these books will take a few more months to reach that. I hope you don't find them tedious and stick with them till the end.

I love all your comments and I'm sorry that I haven't been more responsive. I'll try to be in future.

Thank you for adding my work, voting and commenting. It really motivates me to do better.

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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