Nineteen - Present

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"What the fuck bro! Why the fuck are you here?"

I looked up from my glass at my brother Jungkook.

"Kook! You're here! Hey Barbi, get my man a drink will ya!" I indicated to the bartender who just shook his head when my brother declined.

"Bro, don't call him that."

I squinted my eyes up at him. "Why? Isn't he the bartender? What should I call him then?"

"He has a name bro. And why the fuck are you here getting hammered? Last I spoke to you, you were happy. Things were going good with Tae. What's going on?"

I laughed mirthlessly. My whole life was up in flames. I didn't give a fuck about the bartender or his name. I didn't care about anyone right now. I just wanted to lose myself in the oblivion of my mind. Escape to an alternate reality where my Chaeby was still mine and I hadn't fucked up so badly.

"He hates me Kook. He hates me. I messed up." I was crying now. I didn't give a fuck who saw me in the club. My whole life was over. I had cheated on my baby and ruined our lives. I didn't deserve him neither did I deserve our kids.

"What are you talking about hyung? Come on, let's get out of here. You look terrible and I'm sure you need a shower. You look like you haven't slept in weeks."

"Don't coddle me Kook. I'm fine. Nothing a good drink can't cure. Anyway, what's the point? Chaeby left. My kids will eventually hate me. They'll grow up without me. Maybe that's best for them."

"You're reaching now hyung. And Tae can never hate you. He loves you hyung. You're his husband. You guys made promises to each other."

"Yeah, promises that I broke. Vows that I disregarded. I slept with Hwasa Kook and now she's pregnant. I have another kid on the way. You know what that makes me? A bad father. I'm a bad father. I couldn't even be a good one, let alone a good husband."

"Tell me what happened hyung. I thought you asked me to review the security footage of that night. I thought you figured out something about that night."

"You know what I figured out? I figured out that I cheated on the love of my life. I fucking gave him an STD! Do you even know how that makes me feel? He had to go to the doctor to find out that his husband cheated on him. How else would he contract that? Obviously, I was sleeping with someone else. My Chaeby would never cheat on me. I gave him a fucking disease!"

"Oh fuck!" I watched as my brother ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "Did he get treatment?"

"He did. The doctor gave him a course of antibiotics and creams. And do you know what he did? He added the antibiotics to my food so I could get treatment without knowing that I had given him the disease. He took care of me when I didn't deserve it. The doctor told him that I would need meds too but he refused to tell me. He just fed me the meds while I was oblivious to his suffering. He should've just cut my dick off!"

My brother winced at that. "Hyung, don't beat yourself up about this. You didn't know. You were not in your right state of mind. Hwasa gave you an STD and that probably means she was also being sexually promiscuous. You're not entirely to be blamed for this. You have to question her about her other partners."

"I can't do that Kook. I have no evidence. I have no proof."

"Well, may be you do. I was reviewing the tapes and I found something interesting. The night of the party, Hwasa used the service elevator to go out to the back. She returned 20 minutes later, using the same lift. I'm reviewing footage of the back alley for that night. I'm pretty postive she met someone out there. What purpose could she have to use that elevator? There's no access to places she needs to go to. That's for deliveries and such. I also noticed that she didn't interact with many people that night, which is highly unusual for her. She kept to herself mostly and hardly drank a drop of alcohol. Some things of that night don't sit right. I think she might have really drugged you. And if I'm correct, she had an accomplice. Do you know what this means hyung? It means, she raped you. She took advantage of you in your weakened state and she did it with a motive."

"But why would she do that? Who would help her? I don't get it."

"Someone who hates you hyung. Someone who had a motive to break your marriage and bring you down."

"Fuck! I have many enemies Jungkook. In this business, everything is cutthroat. People only care about themselves. If I got a dollar for everytime someone hated me, I'd be the richest man in Korea!"

"I know hyung ...... "

His voice trailed off and his brow furrowed as he stared into the distance.

"What's wrong Kook? You look like you've seen a ghost," I chuckled.

"It's nothing hyung. What's say we get out of here and buy some food. I'm really hungry."

"What the fuck Kook?! When I called you earlier, you said you'd just had dinner and you ate like a cow. How can you be starving already?"

He looked down nervously and it was then that I turned and followed where his eyes had been. My breath caught and I almost dropped my half empty glass. My Chaeby had just entered the club. He was looking fucking gorgeous but he was not alone. He had his hand draped through a man's arm. I noticed his friend Hoseok and another man I had seen working with them. But my eyes were glued to the man who had my Chaeby, my husband in his arms. He was none other than Kim Namjoon.



Just to clarify a few things: An STD is a sexually transmitted disease. It can only be acquired through some form of sexual intercourse. I have not specified what disease as yet. That is for later on in the book. The point of this is to determine that indeed Seokjin did sleep with someone other than his husband. He was careless and did not use a condom that helps to prevent such diseases and also, unwanted pregnancies. More information on what happened that night will be revealed in due course of the story.

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

The Lighthouse [Completed] ✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن