Ten - Present

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It's been a month already and many changes have taken place in my life in such a short space of time. The kids and I have moved into our new home, the lighthouse. For me, it was a bittersweet moment to finally live in a place that holds so much sentimental value for me, but my kids, not so much. They're too young to understand why we're living apart from their father and they mostly act up with me whenever he's not around.

To say it's been a challenge, would be putting it mildly. Also, at Hoseok's insistance, I joined the advertising department in his firm. It made sense, since I was already looking for a job and it is the kind of work I did originally study for.

Life as a single, working parent, is new for me. I have to keep to strict schedules with my kids and balance my own personal life. It's been a huge adjustment but not one that I dislike. In fact, working and living on my own, has given me a new perspective about life. I was apprehensive that I would fail at it and simply crumble and cry, but I've surprised myself with how much I enjoy it. I wish I had done it sooner.

"Hey Taetae baby, what's say we go out for a drink tonight? I know this great club on Madison and I want to take you there," my new work friend Yoongi says.

"I don't know Yoongs. I haven't done that before and I don't know if it's even my scene." I tried to dissuade him but he's persistent.

"Well, in my experience, if you don't try, how would you know if you don't like something?" He raised his eyebrows at me comically eliciting a small laugh from me.

I had just completed my schedule for the day when Seokjin called to let me know he would be collecting the children in two hours as it was his weekend with them. I sighed and looked at my phone when the call ended. His behaviour with me had changed of late. He no longer tried to dissuade me about his affair with Hwasa neither did he try to repair or make any attempts to get back together with me. I was slowly realising that our marriage would soon be over for real.

It scared me but I tried to cover up my real feelings with everyone, especially Hoseok who still thought I was making a huge mistake. But sometimes, when I was alone or simply taking a shower, I would burst out crying at my fate.

I never thought that my Jin and I would ever go through something as painful as a divorce. Yes, divorce is an extremely painful thing, not only for yourself but for your children too. Your relationship dynamics change even if your feelings don't. And although there are many couples who experience the unkindness of a messy divorce, no one can actually relate to your situation since each one is unique.

I had decided that since Seokjin would have the children for the weekend and I would be totally bored without them, I would go out with Yoongi. I know he's been trying to get me to like him as more than just a friend but I'm not ready for that as yet. Yoongi is very sweet and a dear to have around, but I'm pretty sure I'm still in love with my husband. A sad fact that I don't want to acknowledge publicly. It will make me weaken in my resolve and I can't allow myself to fall back into a life of domesticity and being the oblivious spouse.

I had just readied the children for their father to pick them up and I had put on my clothes for going out with Yoongi, when my doorbell chimed and I opened the door revealing my handsome and sexy husband, Kim Seokjin. I was painfully aware of his knowing eyes raking over my attire and the hidden lust behind them.

"You going out?" He asked me as we stood just inside the alcove of the lighthouse since Aera needed to use the bathroom real quick.

"Y-yes. Just some drinks with a friend." I looked away and he nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets. Aera came bouncing out with her brother and Jin pulled her into his embrace, tossing her up into the air. She giggled and he bent down and kissed our son.

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