Twenty-five - Past

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I sat on the bench and cried into my sleeve. There was nothing else that could be done. They had tried everything but in the end, I had to let go of him. This was probably the hardest decision of my 16 year old self. And then, I felt a soft warmth on my arm. I looked up, teary eyed, and gazed at the most beautiful boy I had ever seen in my life.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

His voice was soft and sweet, like my favourite sugar candy and he smelt like lavender blossoms. I wiped my thick rimmed glasses and sniffled into my sleeve.

"It's okay you know. Whatever it is, it will pass."

"I-I lost my best f-friend today," I cried heavily into my hands.

As I cried my heart out, I felt the pretty boy walk and sit down next to me on the bench. His soft, warm hand felt so calming as he rubbed my shaking back slowly. He whispered quiet words of comfort and I reached out and held him close. He didn't move away and I was grateful for this stranger's kindness.

I was a nerdy loner for most of my life. My two sisters, who were older, had each other and I rarely joined my family. I usually spent most of my time with my books and my best friend Alex. He belonged to my grandma, so when I got him, he was already an old cat. But I still loved him more than anyone. And today I was forced to make the decision to have him put down. I knew he was old and ill and the humane thing to do. But it still hurt so much. And I had no one to comfort me, except for this beautiful stranger.

"Hey listen, why don't we get some ice cream from the vendor over there and you can tell me all about it," he suggested and I nodded quietly, tears still clouding my vision.

It was then that I noticed the leash he had around his fingers and my eyes travelled to the end where a small brown and black Pomeranian sat quietly at his feet. He was so cute and tiny, like a fluff ball. I leaned down and scratched his little nose while he licked my fingers. The pretty boy laughed and I smiled for the first time that day.

"Hi, my name is Taehyung." He held out his hand and I smiled shyly taking it into my own.

"I'm Joon. You can call me that. Only people I like can call me that."

His soft laughter caused my ears to burn. He was adorable.

We walked to the vendor in the park and I spoke to him about Alex and he listened, really listened to me. No one ever paid attention to me but this boy was the first person to ever care.

"Hey! I have an idea! Let's go to the pet store around the corner from the park. I need to get Tan some food and we can have a look at the new pets that have arrived. I have a friend there who always calls me when they get new ones. I like to play with them."

"I don't know," I said, unsure whether this was a good idea but Taehyung was adament.

He grabbed my hand and we walked through the park, Yeontan trailing behind and then skipping around us on his short legs.

When we got to the store, Taehyung greeted his friend affably and explained what he wanted. I wandered around and my eyes settled on a little American Eskimo pup. He was adorable. I sat down and played with him while Taehyung busied himself with the pet food. I watched him the entire time. He was really beautiful. I think I hadn't met anyone like him in my life. He was friendly and kind and so sweet. He had helped me, a stranger, to feel happy again after my grief.

"Oh! He's so cute!" Taehyung gasped in delight and bent down to pet the puppy with me while Yeontan looked on jealously. "You should keep him. I bet he loves you already."

"Y-you really think so?"

"Of course! Look at the way he's sleeping so happily in your arms. He knows he's found his happy place."

I was dumbfounded. He had so easily spoken the truth and smiled happily. As I held the little puppy, my heart constricted in my chest. I wanted to hold onto this sweet boy and never let go.

I eventually decided to take the little puppy home and named him Monie. He helped to heal my broken heart at the loss of my friend. And I think Taehyung knew that. He had given me a sweet blessing that day and I never forgot it. I was silly though, I never took his number and I didn't know which school he attended. But I would always take Monie to the same park in the hopes of running into him one day.

And then one day, years later, I saw him by chance. I was with some college friends and I caught sight of my beautiful boy with a man. They were sitting in a flashy car outside the lighthouse. When the man leaned towards my Taehyung, he too leaned forward and kissed him. My heart ached within my chest and I wanted to cry. I had finally found my angel but he was with someone else.

But not for long. I vowed to find out everything I could about him and made it my mission in life to be more successful and more good looking. I developed a range of cosmetics and launched my own company, waiting on the day that my beautiful boy would notice me and run into my arms, recognising me as the boy he once met and left a lifelong impression on.



Hey my swties. Thank you for all your lovely messages on my birthday. I love you all 💗💗

Have you tried A Bully to Remember as yet? Check it out, you might enjoy a different take on Taejin 😉

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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