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Its a month later. As partners in the company I'm making lots more money. Downside to it? I'm working more. A lot more! I've been away twice this month. Both a week long. It's stressful working such long hours during the day and having to look after the house. Today I'm working very late. I've trusted Emma to cook. Usually I'd be a bit worried but she's been getting better since I've been teaching her. I arrived home at 8:47pm that night.

"Hello" I called out as I opened the door knowing half the house is most likely awake.

"Hey ma" Amber said as she came out the kitchen with a glass of water.

"You on your way to bed" I asked knowing her bed time on a school night is 9pm.

"Yeah. Emma said I could wait up for you" amber replied while walking over with a slight smile. I croached down a little and hugged the 11 year old tight. "Why do you work so much now"

"Because I got a promotion. It's only temporary and everything will be back to normal" I said knowing I'm only working lots to sort my new shares out.

"We miss you" amber simply said as she slipped out my grip and gave me a small smile.

I kissed my daughter softly and ruffled her hair. I then stood up straight causing her to walk towards the stairs. She grabbed her drink from the side and waved to me.

"Goodnight my baby girl" I softly said with a smile as I waved the young girl goodbye.

"Night ma" amber said before disappearing upstairs.

I checked the kitchen and lounge to make sure no one else was down here. I then made my way up. As I was walking towards my room I could hear Ryder was crying. I walked into his room to see him in Emma's arms.

"Come on sweetie. I know you miss mamma but she's working. It's ok" Emma softly said as she bounced and soothed our baby boy.

"Want me to take him" I asked as I made my presence known to her.

"Please" Emma replied with a sigh of relief as she handed me to baby. I chuckled as I took Ryder and held him close to me. He was screaming and crying lots making it obvious he was hurting. "He's not feeling too great today. I think he has a cold"

"Ow my poor baby. Calm down mi hijo. It's ok. Mamma is here" I softly said knowing when he's sick I'm the only one he wants.

"How was work" Emma asked knowing this was going to take awhile to keep him calm.

"Stressful. Taking a percentage of the company comes with lots of work to do in a small amount of time" I sighed still holding and bouncing my son close to me.

"Yeah. I can imagine. It was bad enough taking all the leases for the bar" Emma replied with a chuckle as she thought she had it hard.

"Is that his night bottle" I asked as I saw an almost full bottle of milk on the side.

"Yeah. He wouldn't take it. You try" Emma replied as she handed me the bottle quickly.

I placed the bottle in his mouth. He cried for a few more seconds before starting to drink. This calmed him down and allowed his glassy eyes to just look up at me. I gave him a smile as if I was proud which I was.

"There we are. Your all better now" I softly said in hope this would send him to sleep.

"Thank god your home because he wouldn't stop" Emma sighed in relief knowing he always wants me when he's ill.

"How was your day" I asked with a smile knowing I haven't seen her since I left with her half asleep.

"Yeah it's been alright. Tiring but not too bad" Emma replied as she is getting us to watching all 5 at the same time.

"Yeah they are a handful" I chuckle knowing them all to together is such hard work.

"It was a good day. We just missed you. I don't like not seeing you as much" Emma sighed with a face to show she was actually sad about it.

"Me too mi amor. I hate this part and just want to be back to normal. I'm bringing even more money in which is a bonus" I replied as I looked into her green eyes and bit my lip.

She chuckled with a smile at me. I then looked down to see Ryder asleep with the bottle in his mouth. I slowly took it out and placed him ever so careful into the cot. I gently placed the blanket over him before tiptoeing out the room with Emma. If we woke him it would take hours for him to sleep.

"Let's just pray he sleeps" Emma whispered knowing we still have to be quiet.

I chuckled as I reached to hold her hand. I pulled her to the next door which was our one. As she closed it I pinned her against it. Kissing her instantly. I'm so tired but I missed her today. I miss seeing her everyday. As we slowly pulled away we kept our bodies close.

"I really did miss you today" I said with a sad sigh at the fact I work so much.

"Me too. I hate you work so much" Emma said with a face full of sadness.

"I have an idea to make it up to you. Two months today we'll get married" I suggested knowing in a month I will be out of all this.

"Are you serious" Emma asked as she stood back a little surprised.

"Yep. It's the 12th today. Exactly two months today we will get married. Are you alright with all the planning to start with" I questioned as I placed my hands on her cheeks and smiled up at her.

"Yeah. We're really doing this"

"Yes mi amor. We really are"

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