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I woke up the next morning in my bed. Yesterday me and the kids had a really good talk and they all started to grow on Emma. I opened my eyes and looked across at the messy blonde gaggle of hair next to me. I smiled just seeing her. I Kissed her cheek softly before rolling over and getting my phone. I decided to scroll through Facebook and catch up with people's drama. Even though I don't care. My phone then started ringing. I sighed and got out of bed to answer it in the bathroom.

"An inmate from the North Carolina's death row prison is attempting to contact you. Press one to accept"

My heart stopped. My breath sat in my throat. Why does he keep calling? I know the only way to find it is by answering but I don't want to talk to him. The messaged played again. I quickly locked the bathroom door before looking at the phone. I pressed one.

"Hello? Regina? Reg it's me Ryder"

"I know" I cut in now tired of hearing him keep talking. "Obviously I know it's you. What do you want" I asked in a tone I wished was harsh but came out broken.

"I want to see you. Please Regina. I miss you so much" Ryder said in a soft voice that took me back to the good part of my childhood.

"I don't want to see you. I can't anyway. I have a family to look after and a job. I can't take off to come see you" I replied this time annoyance was shown in my word.

"Please Regina. I've been given a date. I want to see you before then" Ryder begged as his voice cracked and fear was the only thing heard.

"A date? When" I asked quickly suddenly feeling aware that he will die.

"Two weeks. Regina I haven't seen you since you were 16 and pregnant. I don't know what you look like now. I don't know what your baby looks like or your baby's name or even gender" Ryder replied in a voice that showed he was really trying to beg.

"Her name is Veronica. I also have three other babies" I softly said knowing I haven't seen him since he was arrested.

"That's a beautiful name. Plus three more. Who are they" Ryder asked this time sound happy and relieved he knew the name.

"Amber who is nearly 10. Then Billie. She's 8 now. And then Liam is the youngest at 6" I replied softly since he is still my brother after all.

"Whoa Regina I didn't know any of this. Please come see me and bring them if you can. I want to see you all before I go" Ryder said going back to his begging tone once again.

"I'll come see you. Only because your dying. I don't know about the kids though. They don't even know you exist for god sake" I replied in an exaggerated sigh as I'm tried of this already.

"I've missed you so much over the years Reg. Your my sister. Your the only person who gave some sort of shit about me. I'm sorry I killed your parents. I'm sorry at everything I done to you. I love you and I always have. I truly am sorry for the pain I caused you" Ryder softly said brining tears to my eyes at his words.

"I love you too Ryder. I'll come soon. I'll bring someone for you to meet I promise. I don't know who yet but I will" I replied in a soft tone knowing he really does miss me.

"My phone credit is low. I'll call you tomorrow to set which day you can come. Bye Reg"

"Bye Ry"

With that he hung up. I'm still in shock by that. I couldn't believe he called. I couldn't believe he's dying in two weeks. I always thought I'd come to grips with him dying but it's hit me hard now we have a date. Fuck. I can't catch a break. I held all my tears back and walked into the bedroom. Seeing Emma sat by the window smoking. I looked annoyed at her until she looked round at me.

"I know. I'm sorry" Emma sighed as she threw the cigarette out the window even though she wasn't done.

"Don't smoke in my room. You won't be able to live here if you smoke in my house" I warned with an angry glare at her and a stern voice I use on my kids.

Emma looked at me sort of shocked. I looked across at her a little confused. Clicking in her face to get her attention. She snapped out of it and laughed a little.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Emma said chuckling a little as she walked over to lie down.

"Actually someone just got a call from her brother" I huffed in annoyance as I started walking towards the bedroom door.

"You did? About what" Emma quickly asked now grabbing my wrist to stop me leaving.

"He's being put to sleep in two weeks. He wants to see me again and finally meet my kids" I replied as I kept my eyes down the whole time in case I got too emotional.

"I know what he done was bad and your scared but Regina he's your brother. You gotta go see him" Emma softly said now moving her hand so it was linked with mine.

"Yeah. I know. I've lied enough to those kids. When they find out I lied about this I don't know how they'd react" I sighed now finally turning to look up at her.

"I'm sure they will be fine. It's understandable why you didn't tell them about this" Emma replied now pulling me into her arms to hold me close.

"I just need a break from everything. I can't deal with all this" I said trying with all my mighty not to cry right now.

After The Road TripOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz